Bromona Quimby

But isn’t the real point of Westworld all the robots we made along the way?

Also would like to add Lena Waithe and Marshawn Lynch added nothing to the season except a distracting, “WTF are Lena Waithe and Marshawn Lynch doing on Westworld?”

More like Mark Brandonoquits, amirite

Let me get this straight - you’ve been beating into the ground the accusation that anyone who doubts this case is copying from the “Bret Kavanaugh Playbook” - but you don’t even know a Vox article’s worth of details about the accusations against Kavanaugh?

You get the gold star in acting like a g-damn whataboutism

So it isn't a good look when you lie about telling unbiased people and have to then rely on family members. 

We are being asked to consider allegations from 1993 based solely on statements of the alleged victim and some alleged second and third hand witnesses, and nothing else. This is all we have to go on and consider, apart from being trapped in a quandary liberals put themselves in.

I get what you are saying. But I am unmoved. Republicans have been playing to win for decades now. Democrats? Not so much. I, for one, am completely fucking over “when they go low, we go high.” It doesn’t win elections.

You responded to the wrong post, Nut Juice.

What is interesting is what right wingers are saying about dems in this situation. Things like, “I thought you said to believe all women”, or “What about your issues with Kavanagh?” All of these things are not the same.

Doesn’t he?  Because she tried to get away from him and he murdered his assistant in front of her and then threatened her daughter.  

I’m not convinced Joan actually knows who Jane Goodall is...

I thought it was the longing stare from her son towards the groom 

Maaaan. That was THE movie I was looking forward to this summer. I was hoping it would get bumped to fall at worst.

There’s a reason this article has zero comments. This woman (read: destroyer) just released the best album in maybe a decade and you decided it was time to take a trip down memory lane focused on her wardrobe. Maybe this would have been better timed a few weeks or a month from now. 

Also, as an unrelated sidenote, Jesus Christ is Katie Halper a blight on journalism. After the NYT article came out, out of curiosity I ventured to her Twitter account and regretted it instantly. Her response was to basically dismiss the massive amount of work the Times did because of some really weird comparison to

The worst part about removing that line is they gave you an excuse to avoid talking about the fact that the rest of the Times write up is a very good explanation of all the reasons that mainstream news outlets did not cover Tara Reade’s allegations as “reported” by the Intercept and a useful idiot.

If anyone knows about coalition building, it’s Bernie supporters, right? You guys were so good at it. 

It was a little like watching one of the grips do a stand-in while the actual actor is in the toilet, wasn’t it?

They were the first generation to be given that name. Thus it is their label. No one prior was. They tried to pass it on, but it never really stuck like Gen X or Millennial or Gen Z.