Bromona Quimby

I have always had the feeling, and maybe I’m wrong, that in America, the conception of men is a bit more liberated than in France. In France, you can represent two women having tenderness between them. Man and woman, no problem. But two men? Why would this be a problem? I don’t understand this. There is tenderness

LOL @ Barry Gordy

Original link so everyone can see who the dumb-dumb is.

But you’re not doubling down on your comments from yesterday. It’s because you know you are wrong.

I guess you’re still trying to figure out how to claim you’re in the right. 

I’m just saying you missed a generation!

Ah, the generations. Gen Z, Millennials, Many Grease Fans, and Boomers.

I appreciate the condescension, but what does your cutting and pasting and bolding have to do with how Margaery died and Natalie Dormer’s unhappiness with how she died?

She’s not talking about her character’s death episode.  She’s talking about Diana Rigg’s.  

1. It’s really not hurtful if someone thinks you’re gay (unless you’ve got a problem)

Inflation maybe?  I was an adult in the 90s, though, and a 10% was crappy then, too.  

If you patronize a place with tipped workers, then you’re already supporting a bad system. 

Oh sure! What I was really hoping was that it would’ve been incorporated into a dialogue scene like the first two seasons’ theme songs were, you know? And in season 3 she was watching theme song on the toilet. It would have been satisfying them(e song)atically if the season 4 song had made it in like that.  

I think he only signed a year-contract, and really didn’t want to continue on being in a series.  He stayed through part of season 2 so they could write him off organically. 

There was a quick aside by Rachel early in the show that they were keeping it to a tight 42 minutes because it was for tv.

I’ve always felt from the very beginning that Rebecca wouldn’t end up with any of the men she dated throughout the show and that she and Paula are the show’s real love story.

free-floating elliptical stairs (whatever that might be)

I would love to see the reaction if a female candidate had said in an interview, “I want to be in it. Man, I’m just born to be in it.”