Bromona Quimby

This was so great. Mulaney really nails Sondheim’s breezy condescension.  

Since getting clean

Maniac was okay, but I was never emotionally invested in it in the way I was with The Good Place and Russian Doll.  I was never emotionally invested in it at all. 

I thought people say believe victims (especially in the cases of sexual assault) because they are so often not believed. POC and queer people are often not believed as well, which is why my instinct was to believe him at face value until it all started to fall apart.

I will still believe queer people and people of color, regardless of how fucked up Jussie Smollett is.

Lol Christine Brinkley

It’s that foreign money he gets that’s keeping him from releasing his tax returns.

everyone was cool with her running again.

“Democrat party”

This story made no sense in the movie and it makes no sense now.  

I would’ve liked to have seen what technology befuddled the ladies now.

And women wear pants!  QED

What is the “LGBT lifestyle”?

Earlier this week, gossip blogs were reporting

All the people demanding his former co-workers pony up the money are making me cringe. Sure, they should donate if they can/are able to, but it’s not on them. And maybe one of them was the anonymous $10,000 donation.

I thought of this song, too!

So they’re going to exterminate everyone who is HIV+ and then exterminate all queer people to be on the safe side?

Lol, nah

I think this was the right call. Hair just doesn’t seem like a fit for broadcast tv. People can blame this on Rent all they want, but this the 3rd live event NBC has announced and canceled and 2 were before Rent even aired!

Only if they cast without regard to race or gender.