Bromona Quimby

I do not believe the blow job story. 

Also, I’m not sure how Americans are going to accept being told they can’t get X procedure because there’s not enough proof of its usefulness (this happens)

Food are good!

Someone Found a Liar!

I missed “this lot is full of motherfucking artists!”

Rent: Everyone’s Saving Their Top Notes for a Performance That’s Not Coming.

Jezzies be jezzin



I feel bad for all the gay men who need a Broadway musical to look at men with no shirts on. 

Probably because most people understand that vigilante justice isn’t a solution.

Per a Fox article (so I have no idea if this is true or not)

She then paid $233 for a bottle of Amoxicillin, also prescribed to her son.

I thought the first few episodes of this season were slow, but I thought it picked up 4 or 5 in. 

Secondly, you’re basically blaming a guy who, let’s be honest, didn’t hold much power in Hollywood when he was hired for this movie.

I think he’s been doing mostly stage since Dexter?  He was an excellent Hedwig 4 or 5 years ago. 

No, I get it. It’s dumb and insensitive and it assumes that American English is the default accent of English, when there is no default and yes saying “without an accent” comes off clueless American-centric. My reaction shouldn’t have been defensive, because this is actually the kind of thing I do try to pay

Sorry, I should have said English with an American accent.  Sorry to the greys that were triggered. 

He went to an American school, where he learned to speak unaccented English.

I didn’t go to criticism school, so maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t get how “This show stays ahead of me and I can never figure out where it’s going” is cause to ding it.