Bromona Quimby

Eh, it’s not that difficult. 

We all know God loves second marriages when the first spouse is still alive. 

She was 64 there. 

Some of you really need to get over the fact that Santino is gone. 

It’s Byer, everyone. 

Terry Richardson 

Maybe just a costume issue, since she’s called Snow White in the first ten seconds of the video above.

And you only had to spend 5 minutes on Bandersnatch!  That was my happy ending!

There can be 100 people in a room, and 99 of them aren’t sexual predators. But Gaga will always work with the 1 that is.

There can be 100 people in a room, and 99 of them aren’t sexual predators. But Gaga will always work with the 1 that is.

Is it Scottrade?

If you still have some sick days left at the end of the year, fake it.”

Growing up, I considered an entire group of people a monolith I could benevolently stereotype. Now ‘people’ want to be treated like people and you just want to roll your eyes.”

Rosario to Tinashe:  I hope you don’t need as much autotune as I did!  My Mimi was a cyborg!

It wasn’t from a tweet.  It was from a comedy special.  Again, what’s the joke?

So what’s the joke here? “As a heterosexual male, if I can prevent my son from being gay, I will.

He’s just using a bigger word for “spoken” to try and sound smart, like people who substitute “utilize” for “use.”

Yeah, because jokes a comedian writes for themselves just magically work for other people.

I know if Kevin Hart is invoking queer people, it’s not funny. I wouldn’t consider knowing not to slur other groups of people “enforcing manners” but you do you.

I don’t what it’s like to be someone who can’t control saying offensive things about other groups of people, so maybe.