Bromona Quimby

You are very welcome!

Trick question.  Neither is worse than your post. 

He named the two singing parts “Wolf” and “Prey.”

A Parks and Rec reunion would require either reckoning how wrong they got things with the time jump or these characters living in a parallel universe.  Neither sounds appealing.  Let it go. 

The President 

I think she’s a TERRIBLE actress.  I don’t get the appeal. 

I get embarrassed for grown people who talk about their experiences with ghosts. 

Oh, that’s bad, too!

They did ask him.

He’s contracted to do 8 shows a week on Broadway, for one. 

Best episode of the season. 

It may be bigger than one man, but that one man heads an entire party that has been systematically chipping at those institutions for decades.

Natalie Portman was an 18-year old student at Harvard when she was confused by a virgin in a bikini and 28 when she signed a petition in support of Roman Polanski.  What crazy thing will she do at 38 - learn to act?

I agree.  No one knew fags were people 10 years ago. 

I loved Community and I’m not sure The Good Place supplants it for me, but I 100% co-sign I’m not sure any show has so consistently defied my expectations, surprised me, and made me actually feel things like The Good Place has 

I think most Trump impressions are bad and are mostly impressions of Alec Baldwin doing his bad Trump (just like most HW impersonations were really people impersonating Dana Carvey doing HW) but Colbert’s is like next-level bad. You don’t have to do what you think his is voice to read his damn tweets, Colbert!

A+ satire

I’m pretty sure it’s leftists, not liberals.  At least that’s generally what I hear from the lefter-than-thou-crowd.  “I’m not a liberal, I’m a leftist” is their calling card. 

Colbert’s bad Trump impression makes my skin crawl.