Bromona Quimby

Because the article says it showed a lack of regard for her, would be my guess. 

I like how some nominees have what they are nominated for listed and others don’t.  I assume this was just a cut and paste?

You can be an asshole to an asshole without being loud. 

Lol. No.


No Bernie

Does Jezebel provide health insurance?

Loesser wrote it for him and his wife to sing at parties. It was sold later for the movie Neptune’s daughter. It was absolutely written for the man to sing the “wolf” part and the woman to sing the “prey” part.

Your dad is a bitter, closeted loser, too, but he gives pretty good head. 

Lol.  Because the love of a man can cure all mental illness?

I think Hollywood (maybe actual cinemas, too?) would have to revolt. 


I have never read a restaurant review that mentions the salary of anyone working there. 



The Macy’s parade has been going on for 92 years. 


Someone at Jezebel suggesting someone must be a success in a field to have an opinion on it is peak Jezebel.

Whose ass are you sharing?