Bromona Quimby

I’m 44, and was in my mid-30s when I started taking meds that fuck with my ability to keep an erection. I’ve had 4 or 5 separate plans in the past decade and not a one covered Viagra, but my god, does everyone like to repeat the lie that they are throwing it at everyone. 

Me, although I was very young! I vividly remember it circa 1980, though.

Grease or The Sound of Music

I’ve always wondered about that, too. 

The heart of the episode, and the heart of Michael’s desire to even start to work towards his destiny is his beloved Ms Mead. But it’s still unclear what she gave him that his grandmother didn’t

I also don’t understand why - aside from making sure they really hit the Exorcism allusion as hard as they could- Kathy Bates had an accent when she said “Why you do this to me?” to Michael.

I’ve really enjoyed this season, but I think it started doing its inevitable unraveling a few weeks ago. This most recent episode was by far the worst of the season.

Some moms seem like they’re just looking for a reason to be pissed. 

I stumbled across this story on my iPhone at 5:30 a.m. this morning while in bed feeding my baby. IT DID NOT SEEM THAT FUNNY AT THE TIME. A few hours later, I can tell you: IT STILL DOES NOT SEEM THAT FUNNY.

This was also the woman who lead the House in singing “Nah nah nah nah hey hey hey good-bye” when Republicans voted to repeal the ACA because they were so certain a House vote 18 months before the midterms was going to fuck the GOP.  

Insurance companies almost never pay for Viagra.

Foul Play!


John Oliver’s was better 

Avenatti is a fucking clown. 

God, I thought this episode was terrible. But these are emotionally stunted people who of course would never have managed to discover any time before 30 years later that she’d never read that giant letter.

They sort of off-handedly mentioned they put some kind of forgetting spell on them, but they haven’t gone into more detail about it yet.

Yes, we’ve been in a flashback since right after Mallory, et al, were brought back to life. 

She signed her contract when everyone thought Clinton was going to win. Kelly was positioning herself to turn her back on her Fox news past (her memoir accused the Trump campaign of poisoning her)and become a kinder, gentler, Megyn but that all unraveled when Clinton lost and Kelly decided pivot back to being the

“a beloved character