Bromona Quimby

I choose to believe Barbra Streisand had a fling with him when they recorded a song for her Partners album in 2014. There was just something about the way she talked about working with him that sounded like there was more than meets the eye. I don’t see the appeal and I’d expect her to have better taste, but if she

Baby, you’d probably be less of a pill if you got yourself a man date once in a while.

I’d like to visit the multiverse location where he IS listed on there and then read the Jezebel post complaining about that!


Good episode, after you get past the wretched accents. 

We never talk about how Elizabeth Warren was a Republican when she checked that box.

My favorite comment under the Rooftop Killer story was

I think wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff is for the Tahanis and Chidis of the world, while Jeremy Berimy is for the Eleanors and Jasons.

Lol “Bear”

I mean, Meg M isn’t wrong.  Anyone who thinks Joe Biden is the candidate for 2020 lives in another world. 

Because I’m a pedant who still edits even after the editing window closes, the end of the 2nd paragraph should read:

A dumb hill I’ll die on is that I think Chidi wouldn’t prounounce nihilism with a long I. He’d say nee-el-ism.

Wow, people REALLY get fussy about characters not mentioning how ____ looks like ____ even though they’ve never done that so far. Like, when Adina Porter, et al were revived none of them were like, “Hey, Cordelia, you look just like Venable!”

Oh, THAT’S who that was!  I knew she looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her and I forgot to look her up!

I think I remember Billie said something about being the one of the only living people they let out alive or something?

Jezebel has always been confounded by science

I have the same problem.  I started chewing a couple CBD gummies before bed and they really do seem to help cut the anxiety and get me to fall asleep faster, but I wake up multiple times a night, which I’ve never done before. 

Good one. Still doesn’t explain why you think people don’t have a right to a defense attorney

It’s audio, not video. But you know that. You also know she wasn’t laughing about rape
