Bromona Quimby

Why the fuck do bots complain about her being a fucking defense attorney? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Wow, you really have a bee in your bonnet about this. 

In season 2 it appeared in the first episode, but not till the second in season 3. 

I crush on just about every guy in this show but I just love Hector and George. 

I’ve thought from the start that she’ll end up with no one (romantically) at the end. I think Rebecca and Paula are the show’s real love story. 

Mandy Moore reminds me of your favorite middle school teacher dressed up for the winter dance. 

You should have a bad feeling. Once Republicans got all three branches they began executing plans they’ve been working on for decades. It’s going to be next to impossible to win at all, let alone the “blue wave” that everybody and their grandmother was crowing about (although you’ll notice even that talk has been


This is the best one

Because the Trump regime has been doing openly illegal things since before day 1 and most of the country just goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

We do.  But the candidate who grabbed the mic would have had to be a woman to have it negatively impact her. 

Trans people are akin to nuclear weapons is a universal ideal?

Spoiler Alert - We’re leaving the United Nations. 

She did cheat.  I was one of the people paid by Soros to incept the minds of Bernie bros so that they wouldn’t think about things like voter registration deadlines

these days, The Hunger Games would probably be a more current analogy

It’s a super popular name for boys born since 2010

It still doesn’t make Jackson a popular 70s baby name.

Does Ally have a last name? Even on Imdb it’s Jackson Maine (because Jackson was such a common first name in the early-mid 70s) and just Ally.  

You’re right, of course. It just feels so hopeless. Sorry for being needlessly antagonistic.