mike ghenu
Stop Drinking Bottled Water

There are few things on this planet I hate more than bottled water. Just the crinkling sound of someone wrapping

This is one Benoit that won’t be hanging from the rafters someday.

Why do you respond to criticism at all? (Especially since it so clearly bothers you and gets deep under your skin?) In the world of professional writing, that’s a pretty huge no no. You let your critics criticize, and you keep your mouth shut, unless those criticisms are somehow actually damaging to you—because you alw

See: C.A. Pinkham; rakes.


Jesus this was inspirational! I never would have thought to do it, but I googled my first bike and there she is!

Baby boomers totally fucked up the entire world, and continue to do so to their own interests and to their spoiled kids’ interests (though they themselves remain the priority). Every single thing that they took for granted, that the war generation sacrificed to give to them, they are now or have already taken away

Via Tumblr.

I don’t recall the Amish claiming that cars don’t exist simply because cars are not a part of their way of life. The Amish fail on at least 2 of 8 criteria. I do think of them as a cult, frankly, but they do not meet the definition as listed above, no matter what you claim.

Thank you for posting this article. I’m sick of Chrome fanboys saying that it takes less RAM for them. I had one such fellow at a prior job. He was in marketing and his “job” was to go on facebook and open 40+ tabs without closing any. I kid you not, his supervisor agreed with him, this was his job function. So I was

I wish there was a law forcing people to learn how to use figuratively/literally/metaphorically properly from you. They would have to literally take a class from you.

Now that you mention it, we actually do have those, too. My area has a lot of dudes with weird businesses that leave them a lot of free time. They’re always hanging around in flip flops and then training for triathlons or doing Crossfit. The very richest people don’t go to real jobs in offices and shit.

I know I’m not supposed to be “snarking” on other women/moms, and I’m supposed to support everyone’s choices without contributing to the “mommy wars”. But I live around people who are a little like this, and I’m sorry but it’s getting old. No actual wife bonuses. But a whole lot of women whose lives revolve around

I work as a field engineer. So I travel a LOT. I was living and working in the Middle East, having lived at a hotel on a man-made island for something like 6 months at the time. Well my corporate card stops working. Now I only got my personal card.

Lindy West wrote an article on him a couple of years ago that referred to him as “Joe Francis, Girls Gone Wild founder and angry orange hexagon...” and I laughed my ass off for weeks

I think so. Here it’s green because she’s envious.

That is not ironic.

I agree that you probably know SOMEONE who smokes. But if you want to try propositioning strangers: