mike ghenu

I think the correct answer is something like sqrt(2) times per week, because sex is so irrational. Really good sex should happen \pi times a month, because it’s a transcendental experience. And the really kinky stuff maybe 1 + i times a year, because it gets complex.... 

Superior merit had nothing to do with Mattis’ appointment, but it will have everything to do with his firing.

Forgot to say: I planted five eating varieties and a half-dozen crabs for cross-pollination & pretties. Fourth generation apple grower, sorta. ;) by far the best variety for our short seasons & dry climate has been a crab apple — a crab grafted onto a crab — called the Whitney Edible Crab. It produces small bicolor

Many of the old varieties came from ‘sports’ — genetic variants of the scion tree, which were the propagated thru cuttings.

But a tube of wax should only cost you $5!

Dimentia is when one patient displays two cases of dementia at once. It’s clinically related to trimentia and, of course, tetramentia.

Yes. The key is that black suit does not equal black tie. In any case where a black suit would be acceptable, navy or charcoal would also be fine. Black tie requires a tuxedo.

What do you want from me? I’m an idiot.

There’s only one piece of advice that people should offer at commencement addresses: Everybody is an idiot.

Actually, to the best of my knowledge, I can’t. If you use your personal Microsoft ID to sign into OneDrive, it’s yours. Office 365 OneDrive is tied to your O365 ID, which is almost always your Active Directory login, which in turn is its own Microsoft account.

... to ever pay.

There’s some respectable uses for it, like when you have to shoot indoors and have super bright windows etc. Personally I prefer polarized filters to deal with bright skies when shooting landscapes. I’ve been looking at apartments online and every now and then you see it used real nicely so you can see the view out of

Used to smoke was relaxing until it wasn’t.

This might be the first time I’ve ever read an article about smoking pot… And then not wanted to smoke pot. This makes pot sound tedious.

So so many errors in an article intended to educate people. Where did you do your research? 1) The TLAM was designed to be launched from more than just battleships and submarines. Destroyers, cruisers, frigates, just about anything with enough deck space for the launchers can be used. There are no battleships anymore,

How about instead of reading up on the latest Wikipedia has to offer you would do your job which would include providing honest and truthful information to your customer as a journalist.

Oh snap! I’m sure the engineers didn’t think of an override function for times when battery power was low! There are probably cars dying all over Europe!