mike ghenu

Totally. We should start some sort of hashtag-based movement where we harass and threaten women. I’m pretty sure that would solve it.

everything old is new again, eh? :D

Isn’t it wonderful? :D

So excited for F.lux- like features. I hope it works.

I can’t wait to read the Bush and Blair transcripts when Blair stands on his hind legs and W tosses him treats.

These are spectacularly capable machines, but the high-end, full-frame prosumer models have gotten so good that there’s only limited applications where it’s worth lugging something like a D5 around. I’d rather spend my money on the glass as well have the option of a removable accessory grip.

I bet those times don’t count waiting at the airport.

If it’s a Micra, they’ve done everyone a favour by removing one of those hateful things from the world.

We decided to create policy to limit coal-fired power plants, and now we don’t build many anymore. This reduces quite a lot of carbon emissions.

Well I’m old-school MA fan, so the 20somethings are going to have very different vibes I guess then me and my oldz :)

I’m repeating myself, but is starting to look like something I might try to grab.

Ya so, Jeb or Rubio or Trump or whoever... doesn’t matter. Hillary is going to curb stomp there teeth into the sewer. They are all toast!
