mike ghenu

i wrote this stupid comment four years ago and in the meantime have come around to hdr, especially since i now have it integrated as a software option in my newish Nikon D500.

boy is this evergreen hot take from 2013 still coming back to bite me in the ass in this foul year of our lord 2017. i hereby recant this stupid opinion from when i didn’t know better. everyone can just go ahead and use hdr when warranted or if you feel like it. image-making has evolved in the last few years

‘Queens of the Stoned Age’: one of the best heds in the business

...or let a third-party make a better app than Snapbridge, for the love of dog

this is the correct answer

it’s an aggregation of the post linked at a the bottom. idiot

you’re starting to overplay your hand here

aaron davis the pianist/composer? quelle honneur

so what’s the dish: who did it with whom? (and where??)

this is correct

shut up

my beef with frozen ’zzas is they’re jam-packed with sodium. but I do buy the “premium” ones on discount

what monster wipes their lenses with tissue paper? [i try to use a cotton shirt or just roll with it]


omg, “boo urns” will never get old. Never!

Great post. I really appreciate the original reporting. More of this, please

this is a throwback to an era of blogging which no longer exists and I feel old

Hallelujah! A Nikon semi-pro DX-format refresh has been long overdue. I’m most excited about the larger, pro-looking viewfinder (not shown in the press pic above, obvi) they make a world of difference if you're shooting for any length of time.

Youguise — “This is That” is our Canadian state broadcaster’s lame attempt at being all Onion-y...