mike ghenu

There's a specific online movement that has been 100% encapsulated by this video.

Whatever you do, don't go to Plenty of Fish.

It just makes me think you have a lot of junk in the trunk and are female.

Heck, even Lena Dunham knew about them before Jezebel.

But, but I get to drive a big truck really fast and occasionally cut the roof off a car!!!

This does not increase appraisal value. It is a very small contribution to the Q rating (UAD guidelines have quality rankings from 1-6) but not enough to put you into a new bracket. It's nice to have, but most appraisers won't even ask, and there really is no reason to. An appraisal is defined as an "estimate of

Just an FYI, this only works if you do not have Cable VOIP. If you do, these surfboards don't have a telephone port. Thus, you're stuck =(

I found a refurbished surfboard online for about $30 when I first moved into my new place. It paid for itself almost immediately, since my cable company charged a "shipping and handling" fee if $26 for their rental modems, in addition to the monthly rental fee. It is also a better modem than the ones the cable company

I think your CFL suggestion needs more explanation. The "paying for in 6 months" assumes a high rate of use. If it's just a light fixture that just gets very occasional use, it may actually never pay for itself. (Plus I have found that they fail a lot if you go through many on-off cycles). Probably a good investment

Kara now receives all matters for shade judgment in a tablet format.

OMG I just noticed the side eye happening on these scales of justice AND I LOVE IT.

That is one chubby kitty

Boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants....

I want to fire tiny lasers OUT of my vagina. When you can swing that, give me a call.


1. Stop judging. Rude.

In my experience, people who leave marriages that quickly either experience a very fast paradigm shift of some kind (traumatic event, big financial change, etc.) and/or the wedding occurred during the period when the relationship was initially/not-so-initially falling apart, but there was too much momentum. In an

They sure did!