mike ghenu

Just Don't lose yours, if the company has an updated more restrictive version that your co-workers signed, you NEED that old copy to force the company to abide by the old agreement you signed. Or if you negotiated and are running under a modified version. The company will gleefully screw you if you did not hold

Now playing

That's my point exactly. I have no idea how hard it is for a big plane to make such a dive with that payload. With modern day technology, I have no idea how much control the pilot has to exhibit on the plane in order to make that dive. I don't know if it's the technology doing most of the heavy lifting in terms of

"this wears me out"

I wouldn't date this guy cause I'm gay as fuck but I'd be his lesbro for sure and help feed his fish whilst playing video games.


So why are deer so fucking stupid when it comes to vehicles? Fuck deer. They should all die. They're delicious anyways. Stupid rats with hooves.

i cannot accept this :(

Here's that Moneyball passage. It's not that what Schefter is doing is unique, but it's that he—like Gammons back then—is in the rarified air of his profession where only one or two people are even capable of doing it.

I am such a bad person. When I read just those three words, I almost thought this was going to be one of those weird "Shrayber Sex Stories" Mark has become famous for.

The hardest details to account for will always be determination and experience. After a while they would have had the process so refined it would have been somewhat mindless. like commenting on an online article is for us.

I swear to god, once this ice bucket challenge started the portrait video uploads has gone through the roof.

Ah! Radio-Canada's vintage logo and Quebec's Fleur de Lys up on the top picture. Nice!

Dad, your internet time is up.

I was about to go have lunch, but am now thinking of starving myself to death.

How long do you wait to apply? Is the spray less irritating than the powder? Because if I apply GB down there after showering, it feels like someone doused my boys in gasoline and tossed a match on them.

Found your site while looking for a decent soap to clean one's anus.

We love you, too! I may or may not be drunk at a chain restaurant right now.