mike ghenu

Fremdschämen!! The latest hit from the people who brought you Weltschmerz, Schadenfreude, Realpolitik und Weltanschauung

does “one fedora per crew” apply to couples too?


I’m still looking for that someone to be the Katy Perry to my Left Shark

wow I wanna party with you, you must be a riot

Let’s take a more Lifehackery tack for just a minute here: what’s the best accessory for hoovering up this or other powders?

I like you more all the time

Dyson Sphere denizens would likely be “living” on the “inside surface” of the shell, dummy

I like this concept a lot. Can some more experienced/self-aware small-talkers maybe chime in on what the optimal “beat” length might be? 2 minutes? More? Less?

Now think multi-colour flashing LEDs and you’ve got yourself the perfect music festival headgear

Whoaaa dude, I had no idea! Whereabouts? Mile-End? Plateau? Verdun? HoMa?

Related and relevant, but not for the reason you think.

Comment of the decade!

Perhaps Italians fighting on the Allied side had tipped them off about this...

Right now, I'm silently judging your choice in invisible mates.

Are boxes, and being outside of them, still a thing? I thought it had been eclipsed by noun-adjective catch-all hybrid term "creative". That topic alone deserves its own listicle, methinks.

Thanks for the explainer!

Isn't "ultra-silent Russian submarine" an oxymoron? Just sayin.

My God, the people in that segment are so white, I'm going snowblind!

OMG, papuc is a Hungarian word? It's the same word in Romanian and I'd wondered about the origins.