mike ghenu

Shiny things are nice. Not encountering the smell of poop on a daily basis, though, is nicer.

I'll just leave this here:

" a one-third markup"

The only thing that bothers me is that the photographer didn't replicate that dramatic half-face lighting in some of the originals. I mean, if you're mirroring your subjects' costumes and poses, you might as well attempt to replicate the lighting setup.

It's Sum41, innit?!?

I'm puzzled. Are you complimenting yourself for the phrase you made up above?

I think you need some kind of damping/stabilization mechanism built in to make the feed watchable for more than a few minutes before *BAAARF!*

And this was the book! All innocent-like, with the nice brunette girl at centre pointing out the redheaded boy's spelling mistake: liebt, NOT libt.

I unknowingly borrowed one a very similar German sex-ed books from the Goethe Institute library when I was like, 10, in the early 90s. It looked like a comic book or typical kids book on the outside with a very innocent title and it wasn't until I got home and opened it up that I realized what was up.

The Monty Python's Flying Circus' clapping ladies — SO under-appreciated!

The Daily Show did an outstanding report on this a while ago. Quebec society is generally progressive/aware in a "European soshulist" kind of way, but some things here (linguistics aside) do boggle the mind.

The worst thing about Neutral Milk Hotel on vinyl is needing to break off a sex session every 20 minutes to advance the record.

Awww — good luck you guys! And thanks for chiming in.

Jezzies, Jezzies, JEZZIES!

Given my screen name I feel qualified to chime in here.

Isn't it the worst when you pour some oil from a large container and a few drops always drip down the side of the thing and then the side of the bottle and the inside of your cupboard get all sticky and gross?

Thanks for the tip, I had no idea that the Sony NEX would also be an option for that setup — and the F-mount adaptor for it is cheap. And the pixel-count blows the Nikon One out of the water!

As the owner of several quality Nikkor lenses I'm drawn to the idea of using a Nikon One with an F-mount adaptor. Yes, the 2.7x crop factor would make most lenses really zoom-y, but you could pack quite the punch while not getting weighed down.

Don't let that smoldering charcoal go to waste! Wrap cobbed corn (leaves still attached) in tinfoil and let it sit on the grill for 3/4 h to 1 h while you mangle those grilled chicken breasts. Turn 'em once or twice or thrice. Remove from fire, discard leaves, sprinkle on some fleur-de-sel salt — BOOM!

I just did my first (journalistic) interview over Skype a couple of days ago over WiFi from a ski chalet in upstate New York - no technical problems whatsoever, luckily. Plug in a LAN cable if that's an option.