Never ever ever ever ever — if you're a self-respecting DSLR user.
Never ever ever ever ever — if you're a self-respecting DSLR user.
If you're gonna go there, try to get it right at least: it's "Werrrcome", K?
I'll give this a shot.
Can't jailbreak as I'm locked to Rogers — an iPhone 4 I got on Craigslist for $200 cos I REALLY needed to get with the times (was on a Blackberry Curve with no data). It was like jumping in a timemachine and fastforwarding 7 years. So I'm willing to live with those page dots, although their presence did bother me at…
I just stacked all my homescreen icons thematically into folders and presto — everything fits into one screen; no more side-scrolling.
Me too! Doncha just love that giddy, dizzy feeling when you're buzzing from alcohol and have your first smoke in a few days?
For that A == B thingy to balance you'd need to add a x 10^3 term to the right side of the equation, IMO.
Let's not bend over backward to defend the Voice of Russia journalist here. They, like RT, are a Kremlin mouthpiece that thrives on establishing false equivalence between Russia and the US. (Basic template: "interior ministry crackdown against anti-Putin demos == police crackdown against Occupy Wall Street. See? Those…
Ahh, Voice of Russia - the Pravda of our times!
Wait what happened to "the 87% rule"?
I smell #COTD
Didn't we already read your turd of a comment at the bottom of the Gawker recap thread?
Cool story, bro.
just tryna be servicey, brah!
There already is "a universal time against which local cultures and societies make THEIR own adjustments" — it's called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC); and the adjustments to UTC which local cultures and societies make? They're called timezones.
Yup - the twice-yearly DST contrarian pieces are as regular as sunrise!
My iDevices updated themselves seamlessly this morning.
So what do we call this — because it must have a two-words-jammed-together descriptor: