
Worrying about what “plays into” whatever narrative he wants to spin is pointless. Have you even seen how much bullshit conservative media just spins out of thin air? And all in service of the guy who lies about damn near everything he thinks about. Even when looking at photos of his own inauguration, he lied about

He looks like a fucking toddler about to cry.  The most fucking pathetic individual to ever hold the office.

The best thing about this is that it will eat away at him way, way, way more than things like “credibly accused of being a Russian asset” or “revealed almost daily, often by his own idiotic admission, to have participated in criminal activity.”

He’s black. That’s my theory

1) Because “nothing” happened to make it newsworthy.

What the fuck? The guy grabs the gun, disarms the wannabe killer and then hugs him? This isn’t the US Amercia we want everyone to live in. It’s not even worth expressing empty thoughts and prayers.

Hownthe fuck is this not being plastered over ever media site and television. This guy is an absolute hero in the realest sense of the word. 

Of course the interviewee knows what the company does, based on doing some simple research on the last quarter earnings announcement. They competently foster ethical human capital and reconceptualize high standards in processes while objectively parallel task open-source vortals in the professionally-envisioneered

Because you submitted the application, dingus.

Your creepiness continues. No, anonymous internet person, you are not making me feel uncomfortable. I just feel bad for your employees.

We go through this with our directors all the time - when they’re hired there’ll be a big meeting where they enthuse about the company and say they wanted to join (never work) because of the shared vision and goals. Then a year later they do to a different company, no doubt because the vision and goals are even better

Then why not ask a candidate, “How will your skills fit this job?” Why do you want to work for us has an unnecessary emotional valence. Drop it.

I assure you, for MANY positions where they ask this question at interviews, that person does not exist. They ask this question at interviews to be a fast food cashier.

I cant tell if they actually want to pretend they are doing me some amazing honor, or they just want the feeling of someone licking their boots.

Either way, i’m in demand enough that i can afford to be a smart ass and go somewhere else.  And the kind of boss who can laugh at that and move on is the kind of person you

No no no no. Part of our jobs as modern workers is pretending that we’re an enlightened society no longer working for food and shelter. We go to our jobs because we want to work. /s

This is something I find myself struggling with a lot. There’s a part of me that says, well, if China’s money can buy Kerr’s speech, than anyone else’s could, too, so that means anything else he has to say is basically moot. That’s an idealistic part, maybe the sixteen year-old part of me, that still believes that

I make 65k a year in Los Angeles and between rent and cost of living here there's no way I can afford a new car payment of 600$,along with the higher insurance from a new car. No way. 

I’ll say it - I can’t afford a new car at $18K. I was lucky to get a car valued at about $8K. If the home costs had not risen so much since the recession, I might be in a good place, but in my area they’ve gone up 50% and my wages have gone up ~10-20% in the same time frame.

Yeah, fuck people for wanting good wages.

What about the execs who ran the company into bankruptcy, made a hash of electrification, and still get fat bonuses?