
No, you showed yourself to be a self important asshat 

Theres unequal bargaining power, that’s why they set the hoops, you jump (same with arbitration agreements, at will employment, etc etc)- unless, as the other poster wrote, you have a specific skill set (see any generic software engineer in the Bay area)

Thats why they should just interview and hire. But no, instead it's months of talk about the right "fit". It makes their trash job and life seem more important and they can hide behind picks that don't work out 

Its this kind of shit. People and companies love hoop jumping. They cry that there are no good candidates and then shit on the ones that make it through the automated purgatory application process. Writing prompt and 4 hours of interviews necessitating a PTO day from your current job? Now tell me why you want this

Howd you have the down payment for a house in SD? My guess is you started off on better (see parent money) footing, so no to little school debt and much help along the way 

That and collecting and selling your data. 

How else do you maintain the pyramid without bilking the poor and poorly educated?

One “lower class” suggests you have none. Two, $70k cars are not for middle class folks in most of the country, especially areas where people actually need cars.  

This is Kardashian manufactured drama for coverage/clicks - NFL, hard knocks, raiders, brown, et al. Content is content regardless, deadspin even plays alomg.

Hyperbolic, boring, millennials and avocado toast subject matter. “People are late and flaky but I hustle and have grit. snooze.

From a dude who couldn't play pickup at the Y. Tell us more about your heroic feats.

GSW switched Klay on to Kawhi, and Iggy onto Siakam in the third. That completely altered the game. Siakiam was too athletic for Draymond but not for Iggy and his active hands. Kawhi looks gassed -helps you can run Alfonso at him for stretches. Gasol and siakum won't hit every shot going forward. Kawhi doesn't get 14+

Especially with the refs trying to keep the raptors in the game. Take it to the basket and get some questionable calls. 

Kerr put Iggy on Siakam to start the 3rd (instead of Draymond who he abused in game 1 and 1st half of game 2), it shut him down and allowed the warriors to get transition baskets. That switch may have changed the series.

See John wick 3

Nope, that and GA is younger, less injury prone, in better shape, and not an annoying clown 

Maybe hes cncerned that Netflix is blotting out the sun with trash shows. 2 boy bands are good? Let’s pump out 1000 per year and buy up the communication frequencies that play them 

Sit down. It’s not like it’s in Rockridge or the Oakland hills. Take it from the BBQ Betty scene, there’s plenty of black folks at and around the lake.

Most sport fans are ignorant of how the gme actually works. Planning is effective, but so is talent. You can win with both and rarely with neither. The Pats scheme destroyed the chargers, zone defense against a zone beating team. Man press and pressure from 4 dls hisorically had beasten brady, not weak non press zone.
