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    It doesn’t affect me, since I am not in the market for an Escort with a bed. I would be cross-shopping this with a Corolla or Civic..

    God I fucking love brie.

    I have to say that I kind of wish that the teardrop notch won out over centered punch holes for more of the phone market.

    I read the “report negative reaction” as a medical condition. 

    Counterpoint: Decent LEDs look better. LED’s are inherently point source light, which makes them brighter and more distinct.

    Some people also report having a negative reaction to blue LED lights, so going all blue for your display might not be a great idea.

    We have three of these in our house (they were installed when we bought the house a few years ago). One (on an upstairs interior landing/hallway) has integrated lights so it basically works as a natural/artificial light fixture. I love them.


    Yes. Is is abhorrent that people who are seeking urgent care to save their lives are put in mortal danger due to not getting the timely care they need since others refused to take basic, free, and nearly 100% effective preventative care. 

    Social group inclusion is a VERY strong motivator, and evolutionarily adapted to be akin to survival, so it’s not completely surprising when people choose health risk over social risk. That’s why mandates and strong policies are so important. Take the social risk out of it and provide an “out” to those stuck in that

    Plus. The arrowhead is much older so there is a lot less community spread through schools (which is the primary vector right now). Interestingly, the tip of the arrowhead (Cook County) is the most vaxxed county is the state (mostly because it’s the second oldest county in the state).

    Right now it’s really bad from Central MN (St Cloud) down through South West. Even more conservative. 

    Agreed. There should be some sort of triage, but I realize that it’s definitely an ethical dilemma for doctors and health professions.

    It really depends on where you are. Like most states, the urban-rural divide is huge in MN. In most of the urban inner ring suburban Twin Cities there’s still “decent” compliance with health protocols (I usually see 50%+ masking in the grocery store by me). Get to the outskirts of the 7 county metro or rural areas and

    This hospitalization surge is entirely brought on by the unvaxxed. Check out the second chart in this article. It’s so fucking enraging.

    I actually like the hub for my Lutron lights because it makes my 50ish “devices” a single wired device (rather than taking up wifi bandwidth) and the wireless protocol it uses is rock solid/allows programable pico remotes (which is an absolute killer feature)

    I actually like the hub for my Lutron lights because it makes my 50ish “devices” a single wired device (rather than

    Yeah. I have a few Kasa plugs to supplement my Lutron Caseta system and have been happy with them. Might have to pick up a couple more because I can always use more with Christmas lights coming.

    Yeah. I have a few Kasa plugs to supplement my Lutron Caseta system and have been happy with them. Might have to

    Liked: “Android May Soon Translate iMessage Reactions Into Emoji for Green Bubbles”

    I’ve been fine with the speed/accuracy of the sensor since day one, what’s maddening is that the input behavior is different when using the sensor to open the phone when it’s lock versus when it’s unlocked via smart lock. 

    I’m not a fan of starter logs or wax based fire starters for my indoor fire place. On cold days you’re going to be fighting against the dense cold air wanted to enter through the chimney once you open the flue. You want quick heat to start the flow of air. I like a few sheets of newspaper (lossely rolled, folded over,