
Did he try parking it in rice overnight?

Apparently it did at some point since someone pointed out the original slogan was “The standard for Wireless Fidelity.” And those words make sense, whether you like it or not!

Not only that, the company that came up with “Wi-Fi” also used the slogan “The standard for Wireless Fidelity.”

Right? So Wi-Fi is a pun on High Fidelity, where the Wi was obviously chosen for be shorthand for Wireless, since wireless was already in the lingo of IEEE 802.11 WLAN (wireless local area network). So in debunking that Wi-Fi does not mean Wireless Fidelity, I think they actually just proved that it actually does.

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Wyre Wonka Fest.

As a Google employee...this sounds about right.


A guy who has a long, substantiated record of just making shit up is probably, again, making shit up.

Based on my chats with LG. It’ll be a lot more than that.

Agree fully. When I listened to the audiobooks, I thought the files were out of order when it switched from the first to second chapter.  It was jarring, and would not have worked at all for a TV show. Simply playing in the universe with existing characters is far more entertaining.

It’s been almost 30 years since I read the Foundation books and I don’t remember much so not honoring the source material hasn’t been bothered me at all watching the show. I enjoy the story they are telling. I thought season 1 was good and season 2 was excellent. Each episode got better and made me anticipate the

There’s a reason why the show was condidered ‘adaptation-proof’ for decades, despite numerous attempts.

Its a fools errand to make a TV show in which your main cast dies every season or so not for any drama reason but because the show has to hop forward multiple generations. It wouldn’t work. And thats beyond the fact

Mule is going to be (at least) season 3!

My god, the visuals.  There is **money** being poured into this show across all aspects and it shows.  

Foundation is a fine reimagining of the ideas in the Foundation novels. A true adaptation would be incredibly boring single season of, this happened, then a while later that happened, and then something else happened.

Yeah. I don’t get too caught up “honoring the source material.” If they did honor the OG trilogy it would be incomprehensible for the most part because it was basically a series of short stories with a changing set of new characters basically every chapter.

Have you read the Foundation series? The last half (particularly books 6 and 7) is almost entirely “space witches” and “basically time travel.” The empire stuff is almost entirely made up for the show (there was no cloned genetic dynasty in the books and Hari Seldon actually worked for an emperor in the prequels).

It’s a good show regardless of the source material. I’ve read the Foundation novels and the show is more of a reimagining of them with a few fan service plot points and using a rough ROUGH plot arc. And that’s fine, it’s its own thing. 

Invasion?! I have but one word to say: wajo! It’s shite with a capital shite.