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    I’m sure this was an anomaly. Dude should try some of his other fingers.

    The term Wi-Fi isn’t an abbreviated version of wireless fidelity, as many people believe. Wi-Fi is a pun on Hi-Fi, which was coined in the 1950s by audio equipment manufacturers as a shortened version of “high fidelity.”

    Installed. Tried my routines. Got a message that Gemini doesn’t support that function. Uninstalled. 

    I’m not much of a gamer, but I did love playing Stadia games on my Surface Pro. This reminds me of that but more expensive and less cross-functional.

    you know, the classically transparent opaque. 

    I’d add a zero or two to that. 

    I don’t care how impractical that is in most homes, it’s still really f-ing rad. 

    Billions, LOL. 

    Lol. I just got to S2E2 a couple days ago and saw the Mule! Love the introduction of Hober Mallow to the plot. I do think they could have leaned more into the Mule’s grotesque appearance described in the books (although that might not play well on screen).

    The current court is super pro-corporate particularly when it comes to consumer protections (e.g., arbitration & class action) so it would not surprise me a bit if they ended up taking this (or a similar) case just to further dismantle the regulatory state (which they don’t view as disastrous).

    They don’t care about Musk/Tesla, but they’ll take every chance to dismantle corporate/business regulation. Remember, an even less conservative court gave us Citizens United, and they have become much more pro-corporate since then. 

    It totally is a tough sell and an immensely stupid idea, but it scares the hell out of me that the current Supreme Court could buy it.

    Awesome! I’m just finishing up season 1. Any idea who they’re casting? A lot of opportunity there. 

    To anyone coming to the article interested in NASA photography, you have to check out NASA’s Flickr account. THOUSANDS of photos from the spectacular space images to more mundane everyday astronaut stuff. It’s updated frequently with contemporary photos and includes historical images going back to the Gemini and

    Yeah. I don’t get too caught up “honoring the source material.” If they did honor the OG trilogy it would be incomprehensible for the most part because it was basically a series of short stories with a changing set of new characters basically every chapter.

    Have you read the Foundation series? The last half (particularly books 6 and 7) is almost entirely “space witches” and “basically time travel.” The empire stuff is almost entirely made up for the show (there was no cloned genetic dynasty in the books and Hari Seldon actually worked for an emperor in the prequels).

    I usually don’t get bothered by these types of things, but in what world doesn’t she open her eyes after like the second “Marco.”

    You get the watch with the Pro: https://store.google.com/product/pixel_8_pro?hl=en-US

    Pre ordered the regular 8. Got a good trade in for my 6, and have been putting off purchasing new ear buds at the hope they’d throw a pair in, so it’s kind of a no brainer at this point.

    What not to do: Politely, in a high-pitched voice, say “no thank you” while your kid is kicking and punching another kid.