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    I’ve been fine with the speed/accuracy of the Pixel 6 fingerprint reader (not great, but fine). What really annoys me is that there is different input behavior if you have smart lock enabled (i.e., you have to double tap rather than tap-hold). It’s so stupid.

    I could see that, but I don’t know if it would have worked any better. Given the announcement of Android 12L and MS’s push into integrating Android into Windows, they could do some cool things with a dual 9" screen laptop. 

    Man, they should have tanked the Duo and brought the Neo to market instead.

    Yeah. I’m not sure about self cleaning (rubber trees are very much not self cleaning). I was just sharing how I keep from getting water all over the floor.

    It has less to do with case/no case, but either it works great for me or just won’t work at all. It seems to be something with the state of sleep of the phone. If it’s not working, I have to touch/scroll on the home screen to get it to work. It doesn’t appear to work at all with the screen off/AOD/lock screen. 

    I take my big rubber tree outside and hose it off. 

    Nice. My 5yo is going to freak TF out about this when I show it to him after school. 

    He look like a dildo.

    But like so many high-end cameras, with a body-only price of $5,500, the Z9 won’t come cheap when it goes on sale sometime before the end of the year.

    It’s actually nothing like that. Refined sugar has very real acute and chronic health consequences. MSG hasn’t shown to have similar consequences.

    Deadly to the skin on the roof of my mouth because I’m a fiend and can’t wait for them to cool. 

    Yeah. I might make the same assessment in a few years when my 5 year is in more actual sports. I have telephoto lenses for my mirrorless, so I might just use those (or put the extra money towards upgrades).

    Yep. And this kind of “look at all this waste” shitposting by the Forbeses and Rands Paul of the world is just the public sector version of “i’m just asking questions” about the COVID vaccine. Seems banal on the surface, but ends up with a single mother having to filling out hours of paperwork and work requirements to

    Military and war budgets have zero accountability (as you mention). Police, CIA, and FBI are very similar.

    A country’s budget is not the equivalent to a family budget (so the personal savings thing is irrelevant). That Forbes article is horrible, the examples of waste are purely a function of Forbes trying to make them sound ridiculous through sensationalized context-free naming. If you look into those grants, I’m assuming

    IIRC, up to f/8 is good on 24mp 1" sensors (I’m assuming Sony’s using their standard 1" sensor). 

    The only thing I wish the P6 had from the P6P is the telephoto. I’d use it more, but it’s not worth th2 $300. 

    Interesting they chose f/4 since it’s only two stops smaller than f/2. Would have expected f/5.6 or f/8 to really extend DoF. 

    Yeah. Throwing everything in a small jar and shaking is so easy that I actually do it every once in a while rather than—when I’m really lazy—just pour some olive oil and balsamic on my salad.

    I don’t know. I’m planning on getting rid of my coal fired steam car.