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    Yeah, seriously. If everyone would just stop mining coal, building coal powerplants, and powering their Xbox with that dirty coal energy this problem would solve itself! Hell, once you’ve torn down your own coal power plant go over to your neighbors and help them tear down their coal plants. 

    Fuck them. So fucking pissed at Texas right now. Just got my notice of “market adjustment” on my gas bill. We get to pay about 30% more for our gas for the next 2 years because of that deregulated hell hole.

    Instax film/cameras have been around for 20+ years, and FujiFilm is a very reputable camera/film company, so it’s probably fair to assume the quality and support. That said, the film/camera industry has been full of dead end technologies over the last two decades, so *shrug*

    Cool. I got my son the Instax digital camera/printer for his 5th birthday a few weeks ago (I have a regular instax that he loves to use). It’s super fun. He saw a pre-k friend at the park/playground this week and I took some pictures on my phone of them playing. The next morning we printed a couple of them and he gave

    IIRC the i3 SP7 started at $750 and the i5 (w/ 8gb/128gb) started at $899. Comparably spec’d, the price rose >20%. 

    I don’t have any more issues with my SP6 than I do with my Dell work laptop. I much prefer the SP for lap use as you don’t have the hot components sitting on your lap. 

    Looks awesome, but man with such a big price hike they could have included 16gb ram in the base. I’m eyeing SP10 when it comes in a few years (and my SP6 is long in the tooth).

    Or, slasher V for Vendetta.

    Ghostface vs. the police state would actually be a pretty good escalation in the seventh or eight installment (before the inevitable Scream in space).

    But then you’re forced to preheat your oven and eat rising-crust frozen pizza. Why would someone torture themselves like that? 


    IDK, the Iconic Silver really shows off the lines (what I think is what you’re referring to as “blobbiness”), and I think it shows some good subtle design nuances.

    When I need more than onesies and twosies of your larger or heavier building materials, I’m a big fan of curbside (or sometimes better than that if you ask the driver nicely) delivery anyway

    I live in the south, and while people here still believe they need AWD for some reason, I don’t.

    I’m sure both will be available at a similar cost aftermarket. Have your cake... 

    Hybrids are currently being built (about 30-40% production). It’s just a longer wait because demand was so big (supposedly about 75% of orders), and they haven’t been shipped yet because the EPA hasn’t signed off. It’s expected they’ll start shipping in the next week or so.

    Ford Maverick and use the extra 5-10K on a topper, a couple nice tents, and other gear. 

    There already are 2.0EB that have been sold to customers. 

    To be fair, that pic is super distorting.

    2+ kids is tough with anything compactish, but the Maverick should be fine with a single kid. We have a 5 year old and our Corolla has been fine (I’m 6'5").