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    Yeah. I tend to look at 3-4 star reviews (many of which will provide pictures), and then scan 1-2 star to see if there is any common issue.

    Yep! And biscuits have so much water and fat from the butter that they don’t even need to be wrapped. About 15-30 seconds for a biscuit and it’s steaming hot and fluffy again.

    It definitely has its place, and like any kitchen tool it needs to be used for what it’s good at. That’s particularly true of the microwave because it’s absolutely unique at what it does/how it works.

    To be honest, I’ve found the microwave to be the best biscuit warmer. Takes only seconds and it doesn’t dry them out. Cold biscuits are like hockey pucks because of all the butter in them, so heating them from the inside in a microwave gets them fluffy and soft again because warms the butter all the way through.

    Think of it this way... if you did manage to lose your wallet/keys while on a road trip. Would you pay $30 to get the exact time and location it was within 50m of you as well as a 90% chance to actually get it’s current location? If so, a forward thinking person would pay that fee upfront. At the very least, like all

    Agreed that wallets are probably the most useful for this tech, but as you mentioned this product isn’t suitable for that.

    Yeah. I’m in the same boat. In almost 30 years of driving I think I’ve lost my keys once. Never lost my wallet. Generally know exactly where they are. The tech seems cool, but there’s no way I could ever justify spending $30-50 for such a device+accessory. Not sure if apple does it, but it would be smart to build this

    Yeah, that looks horrible. I don’t see the value in most of the trackers, but this seems like a new level of awful. They should have at least added some functionality and made it something like the announced but never released Pebble Core.

    I’d argue that the lack of echo chambers was pretty much true until the late 80s when Limbaugh went national. That’s probably the watershed moment for movement conservatism media truly becoming what it is today (with help from Faux News a decade later). It was able to bring in the “lay hatred” that the racist National

    Exactly! And really the big innovation with the contemporary GOP is that they’ve just completely given up on policy positions because the negative public response to those positions just get in the way of their messaging. They didn’t even pass a party platform in 2020, but rather opted for completely obsequiousness to

    Sure. the internet has increased the speed and maybe the intensity of the messaging, but all of this pretty much started with the Southern Strategy and was perfected with Lee Atwater. The GOP figured out they can activate a large enough segment of the population by antagonistically misrepresenting their political

    Lol. They’ve literally been saying for 20+ years that Democrats want to come into your home and take away all of your guns any time the smallest amount of gun control is suggested. They’ve being saying that democrats are killing millions of babies for supporting abortion choice. They turned the Obamacare end of life

    I’ve seen a lot of people on twitter freaking out like “OMG the GOP is just making up Biden’s policies.” Yeah, it’s shameless conservative propaganda, but it’s basically the same shit they’ve been doing for my all of my 20+ years of being an adult. They’ve never, as far as I remember, argued in good faith.

    I don’t have any envy over apple stuff. I’m perfectly happy my pixel 4a and Surface Pro 6. The only tablet I long for is an updated Nexus 7.

    Interesting. I’m less concerned with social engineering as I tend to think that most things government and business do are in some form social engineering. My big thing is reducing/eliminating means-testing (it’s ineffective that we drive people into poverty before they qualify for social help) and absurdly punitive

    Except the observations around age & obesity are prevalent enough that it’s a valid response to anecdotes about younger people with high BMI who are healthy.

    But individual health is, essentially, anecdotal. We shouldn’t confuse generalizable “risk factors” with individual health. Sure, weight may be a factor for an individual’s long-term (or current) health, but even so standardized indices are still not intended to assess (or good for assessing) individual-level

    So you’re arguing that a BMI-based population study proves that BMI provides a rigorous measure of individual health? Bold!

    Yeah. Years ago, I’d always make my way to the North Loop B&O store whenever I’d visit Chicago. The suited sales associates always loved it when my grubby 20s-year old self plopped down on one of the couches and asked if they had any Wu Tang Clan to listen to. 

    Exactly B&O’s market!