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    Sincere question. Why are you for UBI while being against headcount-based tax credits (which are basically the closest thing to UBI the US has)?

    Perhaps, but it’s currently still scheduled so my hope is they’re working on shuffling some stock around to keep current appointments. 

    Not likely. I’ve done some looking, but nothing. This morning was literally the first time in the weeks since I became eligible that I got a whiff of an appointment that was less than 3 hours drive from me, and there seemed to be a bunch of available J&J appointments, so I’m guessing pretty much anything that pops up

    After weeks of trying, I finally scheduled a vax appointment (for J&J) this morning, and literally 10 minutes after hitting “schedule” I got the news notification about this decision. I’m not worried at all about the risk, but super worried my appointment (tomorrow noon) will get canceled.

    There was a great radiolab on this a long time ago.

    Yes. That's enough salt. Which was the entire point of my post.

    My comment was about home cooking in general, but yes it applies to salting pasta water too.

    FYI, butter is the difference between your cooking at home and what you think tastes better at a restaurant.

    up to three iterations of Android

    A grill and a gas stove function the same just like a butane lighter and a solo stove can both light a cigarette.

    It’s more about the exchange of thermal energy of the two appliances. Gas stoves are intended to direct infrared heat to a relatively small space underneath a pot (that’s why they’ll boil water faster than your grill). Grills are intended to disperse a large amount of infrared, convective, and radiant heat across a

    I would like to see information about the fees added to the listed rates on major booking sites. I’m always like, “oh $125/night isn’t bad” only to find out that it’s $500+ total for a three-night weekend stay.

    My neck hurts just thinking about trying to work in a recliner. 

    My neck hurts just thinking about trying to work in a recliner. 

    I bought this chair near the beginning of the pandemic. It’s been pretty nice for the price.

    I bought this chair near the beginning of the pandemic. It’s been pretty nice for the price.

    A hell of a lot less than 40K

    Big oil needs to be treated like big tobacco was a couple decades ago. Sue the crap out of them for the damage they’ve done, and completely restrict their ability to market so they can’t pull this bullshit.

    I’ve been on T-mobile prepaid for almost 10 years (first the $30/mo Walmart plan and now the Simply Prepaid 10gigs/mo), and I’ve always been able to access the T-mobile Tuesdays deals. I’ve done this MLB TV deal every year it’s been offered. 

    Is the fragmentation of the stream services a problem - yes.

    Eat burritos in the car? No! The kids are gone. Eat burritos in the house!

    Yeah. We should call ithome alone anxiety condition” and put it in the DSM-5.  I think even in the 80s that was more of a narrative device. I feel like the real benefit of battery backup was that you didn’t have to go around the house re-setting all the alarm clocks every time there was a brief black/brown-out.