Fact didn’t come into it. When the collective consciousness decides it’s fact, you fucked a pig, dude! You fucked a pig. Fact.
Fact didn’t come into it. When the collective consciousness decides it’s fact, you fucked a pig, dude! You fucked a pig. Fact.
Now you can, because now we know, which we didn’t really before. I’d say many people just figured it was a guys dressed as ladies thing, like you don’t have to be gay to do drag, either, but it seemed common. And some drag queens were quite insistent on drawing a defining line between drag and crossdressing, which…
Addendum: I had a call/text/alarm phone, which cost me £3.95 ($5.45) because those things aren’t what I do for fulfillment. If texting makes somebody’s life worthwhile then yay for a $400 phone but that’s not cool, it’s just sad.
Generally, yes, I do buy the cheapest. That doesn’t mean I buy the worst of everything, which isn’t always cheapest anyway, I shop around and try to consume economically but I certainly don’t buy stuff just because it’s sleek and shiny and whatever. And especially when the price is multiple times inflated just for…
You stereotypers are all the same.
He also came up with this:
Some of my best friends work in tech support.
It’s probably wrong that my reaction on seeing it yesterday was, “Harem pants are back? Nooooooooo!”
George Washington said you should have one every seven years. You’re way overdue. I mean, that’s why those early guys made sure you’re allowed to have guns, y’know?
It probably doesn’t rhyme with slut-shaming.
There’s a reason for that:
And in other achievement news, Lizzie Yarnold (GBR) defended her gold in skeleton. She almost pulled out due to a chest infection causing difficulty breathing but still managed a track record.
It’s all shitty so stop differentiating was my point so yes, you’re right.
Why, yes, yes, I am. I find my sense of humour serves me in good stead. My married friends get it, though it can go over some people’s heads.
Change is possible.
True but given that and the show’s wish to avoid stigma and cliché, it would be ironic if Maura died of something quite plain and ordinary. And there’s a cliché about American audiences not getting irony, which also needs to be stomped on, so double whammy bonus points.
In Scotland it’s whisky, not whiskey, and the importance is all in the water, not the wood. This is why Strathspey produces such fine whiskies.
I hope it wasn’t Amy Schumer.
I can’t be happy for anybody who gets married, because they’re stupid plops who are going to try to guilt their single friends into it by pretending they’re so happy after the shine wears off, when really they’re just envious that other people are having all the fun.