Brit on the Side

Are you syphoning off pop music from rock music in your judgement? Because that is banal and unoriginal - research how much of Led Zeppelin’s works were direct ripoffs of other songs. Making artistic value calls is not the judge’s job. If pop music were so easy to do, there’d be fewer lawyers and more popstars. You

Also, looking like Steve Martin is not original, either.

Dreamers had been dreaming for centuries but “I have a dream” was still pretty powerful stuff.

I can’t stand people who think songwriting is only worthy if it’s self-indulgent art, aka filler. Your judgement is unoriginal, banal and displays no working knowledge of the songwriting or musical production process.

Writing a good pop song is not nearly as easy as writing a piece of self-indulgent rock filler and calling it art.

Old man doesn’t like pop music. Hold the front page.

Now playing

Armando is the greatest thing come out of Edinburgh since logarithms.

Yeah but the human something.

Do you mean Team Proper Football or Team That Thing They Call American Football That Has Very Little Kicking?

It’s more like darts on ice.

Screw sneakers.

Yeah but for every Take That there’s a hundred Atomic Kittens.

So, Hitler’s bunker, July 1944: nice try or shamefully self-serving?

Paul said in Corinthians 11:14, “Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory?”

Now playing

Yes to all this. Robin Cousins said Virtue/Moir are the only pair whose choreography isn’t interchangable with all the others’ music. And that includes your pair.

Time: running out.

Somebody told me there was a lot of cosplaying by fans of this episode.