
Oh and also got skipped over for a promotion because another boss at a different company refused to promote women over men because he was Mormon. He brought in a guy from a totally different department that had nothing to do with code to over see a dev department. It crashed and burned and I got out before they had to

I contacted a lawyer, but it was a catch 22, it was he said/she said and I couldn’t legally record anything to gather evidence because wiretapping laws. Unless they sent me an incriminating email of their own accord, I’d have nothing. No one else at the company (mostly men) would take my side when I asked if they’d

I’m a dev at a great company now making twice as much and recently sent them a detailed message with screenshots of everything broken on their latest site release. XD It was awesome.

Bookmarking this to share with every guy that talks shit about how women don’t do shit like slaving away in the kitchen anymore. But do you build your own houses with hand tools? No? You mean you slave away for hours at a job and are exhausted when you come home too? OKAY THEN. Jokes aside, this is incredible.

I was grabbed by the hair by a coworker, shaken by it, and then kicked in the shins when my coworker and I asked which option a client had decided to take, they took hers, and I just said “Awwww!” because they hadn’t taken mine.

The guy thought it was a slight at his performance as a project manager instead of a

I’ve noticed this as well. Everything in the lgbt community still seems to focus on men’s rights to be gay or someone with a penis’s right to be properly gendered as a woman if that’s what they ask of those around them or to get reassignment surgeries to have female anatomy to reflect who they are.

When a woman wants

Nearly every “egalitarian” I encounter on Facebook in pro rights groups that I follow are onboard with lgbtqa rights, racial equality and religious equality, but the second you mention anything having to do with women’s rights to health care and choice, they’ll start foaming at the mouth with accusations of “feminazi”.

Yeah just let me know! Haha.

But seriously yeah. I pay taxes already and live in one of the highest taxed states in the country because I work in the tech industry. Why do I have to pay more for sanitary items when condoms aren’t taxed the same way?

It should be a no-brainer. Blood everywhere == disease. There are some

I’ll admit, when I was a student, I pirated. Occasionally I’ll stream movies years after they’ve been out. But if it’s in theaters, I’ll see it. I pay for my music through paid streaming services and now that I’m no longer a student, I pay for what I have to and donate when I can to open source developers. You gotta

As a developer, thank you. These hypocrites piss me off.

Funny, it’s the same shit I got from my doctor when I said I wanted to tie my tubes because A) I want to focus on my career, B) I hate children, and C) my husband and I both have hereditary physicial and mental illnesses that we don’t want to pass along.

“But have you REALLY thought about this?” “You might change your

When I was struggling for money, I only used them at night and just used rolls of toilet paper during the day. Let me tell you, one ply, even rolled up, sucks at absorbency and can actually cut some of your most sensitive bits.

That being said, I’m also a pro at getting blood stains out of things now, so anyone who

Any fan who thinks this is scandalous hasn’t read the books.

EVERYTHING IS SET TO AUTOPLAY! That’s a huge html5 no-no. PLUS, autoplay embedded music that can’t be turned off? What was she thinking? Is this Myspace circa 2006? GWAHHH! Why is it a shitty house mix? I’m so confuseddd!

My servers are down for maintenance.

It’s almost like they think they can just spout of words over and over until they magically become true. That’s not how definitions work, that’s not how law works, and that’s not okay.

It needs to be illegal for churches to be involved in anything medical whatsoever. They can donate money from tithes if they’re feeling charitable, but keep your fucking Jesus/Mohammad/Scientology to yourself and save our fucking lives.

He thinks he made her famous because he interrupted her award speech? Bitch, she was already accepting an award! She was already famous. If his head gets any bigger, it might suck up all the oxygen on the west coast.

I need a “permission slip” from my husband in order to be considered for tubal. LOLLLL. This rep is my hero.

This whole post just made me want the safety of chicken nuggets. I might have a heart attack before 75, but at least my taste buds will be singing.