
It’s about ensuring players can actually play the game just as much. If people don’t want to play, you lose business. Ensuring that the majority of users are able to engage without trolls interfering is a good thing for everyone involved, except for the small group that are just there to cause trouble. Similar

This is awesome. Making sure people can actually enjoy playing the damn game means that people will keep playing. Finally some devs that actually care about repeat business and keeping players instead of catering to a cruddy, niche audience.

Your kid is going to need some serious therapy having a dad like you.

Oh man, I hope whoever owns the rights to Pokemon sues them for copyright/trademark infringement if at all possible.

Somehow, everyone looks exactly how I expected them to. Merlan and Davies especially. XD I love it!

But this was okay.

When I’ve done this, saying, “just a few cubes of ice”, they give me a cup that’s only 3/4 of the way full. It’s so obnoxious!

Except in the last decade, especially online, people have turned feminism into turning the tables on men. It’s about equality, not reducing men to the same crap we’ve had to face for centuries.

I get the message. Men aren’t being systematically treated this way, but starting that now isn’t going to be beneficial to

That’s cool. Appreciating someone’s looks isn’t wrong, but being surprised that you like anything about someone when their looks aren’t on display is the message I got from the headline and it was pretty uncomfortable to read.

That’s fair.

Because that’s what this site is about a lot of the time, standing up for women when they’re objectified in entertainment, politics, etc.

If you don’t like these kinds of sites, why are you here?

I still love Jezebel, but the only point of writing a headline like this is because it sounds better than “Hey, I liked this Rock movie where he’s playing a slightly more serious role than normal”

This felt like more of an attention grab and struck a nerve. We as women (not sure if you are, but speaking for myself)

I get that. But reducing a dude to his attractiveness, not necessarily his nudity is still pretty ridiculous. I have a hard time with demanding equal rights and then doing exactly what we complain about to the opposite gender. It just seems rather hypocritical.

Cool, so if this passes, I’m not doing business with clients in Oklahoma anymore.

If someone wrote that about a woman, we’d be furious. Why is it okay to do the same about men? Just curious.

This. I use Chrome because I need to sit and write code all fuckin day. Lol.

I went to Hawaii yeeeears ago and there used to be beautiful coral, all different colors. Now, it looks like this. Everything is bleached white and crumbly. I was so excited to go back with my husband on our honeymoon and share this with him, but we were both so disappointed. This is so sad.

Vodka, diet coke and grenadine is one of my favorites. I’m not a huge drinker, so it suits my needs. I can’t be bothered to drink something that tastes like a country song and rubbing alcohol.