Use a gendered user name, get gendered. Shoo, troll.
Use a gendered user name, get gendered. Shoo, troll.
This is basically just the VR equivalent of a block-button, no need to try to be so edgy.
what part of this solution the programmers made do you not like? It’s just a block function, man, no need to get all bent out of shape that you can’t act like a creepy ass in virtual reality.
Do you know what a rape apologist is? And please come back with something better than a basic “PEOPLE IN THIS COMMENT SECTION” reply.
definitely the same thing.
Came to the comment section to see if rape apologist were already here. Was not disappointed.
it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts…
There’s only one thing better than being wrong: being willfully wrong! Congrats, you’re deciding to be an idiot!
Do people make stuff up like that just because of pills and alcohol, I wonder? Or was she freed from whatever inhibitions kept her from disclosing the abuse? Either way, how awful for it all to happen so publicly.
Or we can accept what the rest of the world does about appropriation: Not giving a shit as long as we’re not being disrespectful about it.
uh, you know what. i adore the rock because of his kindness, sweetness, dorkiness and such. but he’s also damn beautiful. so if someone is like, hey love that beautiful torso when it’s not covered by a shirt, i’m all like, YES.
Because Jezebel.
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