
She was drinking water and two cans of soup per day over the course of many months. You can easily imagine the increased salt, lack of vitamins, etc etc. You can google other people have died from the same. Even though you’re “eating” some people end up starving to death doing these types of diets. It’s extremely

Souping can also kill you with sodium toxicity. My mom is a nurse and one of her best friends died this way. Living off of store-bought, canned soups is NOT GOOD FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!

Just fyi. =]

Nevermind, Adele, they’ll find someone like you.

But he’s 62, he could die at any second from clogged arteries after years of abuse with meat and potatoes. He shouldn’t be running against her.

So the fact that 1/5 pregnancies ends in a miscarriage means that God is the biggest abortionist of all time. ALL THE FELONIES!

I’ve taken up the challenge to read more books by women or with female, minority or non-binary characters in 2016. I can’t tell you HOW refreshing it’s been to see other perspectives on the world that don’t seem to fall back to particular set ups. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean that male perspectives aren’t

I actually asked this question of Rand Paul in his AMA last night and despite it being upvoted, he predictably ignored it. Le sigh.

We won’t force dead bodies to give up their parts and autonomy to save a life, yet we’ll force women to give up their entire bodies and lives afterward to carry a child.

We give corpses more rights than women in the good ole US&A.

This is still the team that is being sued by their cheerleaders for paying them below minimum wage, forcing them to use their own money to buy and resell promo items, allowing them to sexually harassed at promo events AND sent them a handbook explaining how they should be using menstrual items and personal hygiene

Are they paying their cheerleaders yet for their overtime, not making them pay for mandatory promotional items with their own money that they then have to sell like a pyramid scheme, protecting them for sexual harassment at marketing events and have they ceased telling them how they are to manage their personal

Welp, I’m fucked (hah!). I quit counting after I hit 60 something. I’m married now and my partner is hit well over a hundred. Whore4whore indeed. At least we’re experts now. XD

Idris for the next Doctor!

My name is also Courtney, but with a C, and this is how I eat KitKats EXACTLY. I’m convinced this is now a C(K)ourtney thing.

But it was better with KitKat BigKats.

Can someone please explain the difference between a tasteful gown with a risque neck line and ACTUAL NUDITY to these conservative shriveled potatoes?

OH! My favorite TedTalk fits perfectly here.

Or you start going your own direction to appeal to your own demographic, only to hear “Gather round Uncle -insert lead name-, I’m going to teach you how this works” because nothing appeals to young women more than a 50+ year old man telling them what they want. Lol.

I’m only 25 and this industry has jaded me beyond

Was thinking about going on a Norwegian Cruise this summer. No chance in hell now.

More sophisticated methods don’t exist. You can’t make an image “zoomify” or “enhance” when it’s a low-quality image to begin with. You can’t generate pixels without it being an exact guess. I work in this field professionally and have to field questions about whether or not what they do in CSI and all of these stupid

Oh Jamie! -fans self-

YESSSS! If you can get the version narrated by Davina Porter, you are set! She is a genius and brings every character to life perfectly. =D