
Keep in mind, Italy was kind of ehhh during WWII, plus, they were supposedly heavily involved with mafia stuff which happened just a decade before.

It’s been 86F during the day here in SoCal and in the 30s at night. Like, make up your damn mind, Jack Frost! Is it winter or nah?

Nice to see he doesn’t just buy blow with all of the money he makes profiting off of sick people. Based on that pallid complexion, dude needs to come out of the bathroom once in a while, unroll his hundreds and actually see some daylight.

I might catch conservatism which I hear hurts your ability to stand up for your rights later in life.

If Christians and conservatives believe this crap:
“teenage boys are responsible for exploring their sexuality, and girls are responsible for keeping their legs together”

Then why are they so opposed to gays? Who else are these boys supposed to explore with?

Obviously trolling here on all the above issues, but just

He blames young girls for being “taken advantage of” instead of boys that are doing the taking advantage.

The blaming of the victims runs DEEEEEEP in the conservative party.

Sympathies. My grandma commented on my weight gain after I’d gotten sober from nearly a decade of cocaine addiction. Grandmas’ lack of filters is so obnoxious.

After graduating college, jumping through a couple of intro level jobs in my field and settling down with a great guy (who I’ve since married), I managed to get clean from drugs, which I’d been using heavily since high school. We’re talking cocaine, morphine, ecstasy, etc.

So I brought this guy to a family dinner with

Then do pilates?

I think Missouri’s ripped off Korn’s “Coming Undone”.

Part of school is learning how to socially interact with people different from you, who may be more or less challenging to cope with. That’s why people who are homeschooled are still encouraged to attend group events within their learning circles.

Maybe if you spent as much time learning how to cope with others as well

Or if she consents, but isn’t in the mood, get her the mood? If you believe in God, what do you think the clitoris was even made for??

When I was 15-16 (legal age of consent here is 18), I started seeing a guy that I thought was 18, only to find out when we were comparing driver’s license photos that he was in fact 22. After I confronted him about it, he turned super emotionally abusive to try and get me to keep quiet.

I did, and I really regret it

Yep, we did this with henna dye and stuff like that. A friend of mine painted a chinese dragon into her hair. We would do the cheetah print shit, stripes (coon-tails is what they were called then because they looked like raccoon tails), and other designs that were more intricate.

This isn’t a new trend. The only thing

Soooo the older I get (I’m 24), the more I look back at guys that I used to get all excited about when I was 14-15 and I’m just like EWWW now.

I will never understand guys who look back on girls that could be their daughter’s age and go “YEAH, SHE’S HOT!”

But then again, maybe I’m just grossed out because my biological

Religious people are fucking weird.

The crunch is no joke. Our managers order us food to keep us at our desks and give us starbucks cards to keep us amped, expecting us to work into the night and on weekends for these. It’s painful.

Makes me wish I hadn’t deleted my Myspace account. I could have teamed up with Chris Hansen with all of the “nice, perky tits” comments I got when I was 14.

Can they ban their commercials from being played twice during every break during football too? PLZ?

17 year old males know that killing is wrong. Fuck off with that.