
As an addict that’s nearly 3 years in recovery, this is the most ignorant thing I’ve ever read about addiction. An OD is painful, terrifying and the complications you will deal with for the rest of your life if you do make it through can be devastating.

You’re probably making light of the situation because that’s what

Good effort though! I take it he’s not as much of a horror fan, lol!

You could always name your baby Damien if a boy or Regan if a girl? That would be amazing! Hahaha. My fiance and I decided on naming kids after 80s rockstars or comic villains. XD

Congrats to you too! I mean, you COULDDD have a baby in the catacombs, but that sounds like the premise of a horror movie. Lol. Wish you the best!!

If I wasn’t getting married on Halloween this year, I’d totally enter this contest.

Personally, I subscribe to the belief that feminism in this day and age should be well beyond having families because it’s what’s expected of us at all. Does the world really need exponential population growth anymore? Not sure why women still feel like their biological clocks are ticking or that they need to have a

Imagine a Sons of Nazi Pride group arguing the same thing. Lol.

You lost! You’re sons of people that wanted to do horrible things and states only have limited rights. GET OVER IT.

So what I’m vaguely getting here is that Texas wants everyone to die a virgin? You can die, but as long as you’re pure and innocent, it was God’s plan? I’m so confused.

Are they really Native AMERICAN, or just Natives?

We live in a country where we will push of trials for years because a crime is too fresh and there might be a potential bias, but we will throw together sub committees in Congress consisting of people who already have biases toward the accused within months.


I feel like this could be beneficial for men and women! With sites like Glassdoor, you can evaluate people who do similar jobs and demand similar pay at your current job and hold your employer to it. This is excellent!

But as someone whose male intern without a degree or real world experience made $2+ an hour at her

I’ll do what I want. Have had bangs since college. Love them, hate my giant forehead and I dye them different colors all the time.

My mom is too nice for her own good. I only found out about this after the fact. =/ I would have gone ape shit and sent them packing.

As a Californian who lives in a poorer community until we can afford to move away, we are getting FINED for using too much water.

People like this deserve to be arrested and locked in stocks with their ears nailed for us all to chastise.

Agreed. When people say things like “sex workers can’t be raped” or allude to that, it makes me think of any other job, like because I’m a Subway Sandwich artist, you have to make sandwiches for anyone who stops you at any time and demands a sandwich? Uh.... no. So why is sex any different?

I’m very hopeful that sex

A couple years ago, my mom put my sister’s Infinity (not sure the exact model) sedan up for sale. It had a reasonable amount of miles and some wear and tear since it was about 5-7 years old, nothing more than a small dent over a wheel and a couple pebble marks from lots of freeway driving.

My mom took photos of these

8chan really only started getting attention because of gamergate and all of that crap. They were using 4chan to orchestrate doxxes and attacks against people in the real world and kept getting their stuff removed so they had to take it elsewhere. Enter 8chan.

Then within those chans, there are specific boards for

Yeah, there are people that monitor the boards, mainly to keep the child pornography away. When moot was handling things, you could easily contact someone and get things removed if it was obviously illegal, and I don’t mean questionably illegal stuff.

There are code words and things that they use around certain times

With a mix of Subway Jared. I’ve known people that modded for 4chan and had to walk away because they had nervous breakdowns.

There was a warning about this on 4chan last night. People encouraged him to do it and gave him tips. Screenshots are circulating twitter.