
He knows that for a 10-11 year old to carry to term could kill both her AND the baby, and would probably do irreparable damage to her sexual organs and surrounding organs and tissue right?

He’s 100% pro birth and didn’t give a single shit about the little girl that was raped. THAT is a tragedy, on top of the tragedy of

Did Gala Darling direct this video? Holy shit.

If it removes its head and sees its shadow, does that mean that climate change really IS happening?

So if he’s not against using fetal tissue, then he’s not against abortion. End of story. If he still wants to defund PP, he has it out for women. There’s no argument there. You can’t have it all ways. Commit to you fucking story and stop lying.

No. “Abortion” is not a dirty word. Abortions are safe, legal medical procedures and because the pro-birthers are so loud, everyone feels like they should be ashamed or consider their procedure “the hardest thing they’ve ever had to go though”. Same goes for things like rape, mental illness, etc— all taboo.

If we

I’m a dev though, so playing videogames is my life. The rest of this though, spot fucking on!

Think about what you just said.

A couple people on a small plane with limited luggage is necessary.

LOTS of people and LOTS of luggage on a large plane is still just as necessary.

My dad owns a plane and I have to listen to him talk about this stuff ALL the time when we fly places. Weight matters and the most exacting,

Oh hey look! Someone trying to capitalize on our struggles!

Seriously? Drugs are REALLY expensive in Australian compared to living on the border of Mexico. I’m honestly surprised by that figure.

Yep, they make a special bottle now that looks like a stick of deodorant. You apply that CAREFULLY and only leave it on for 2min at a time, instead of the recommended 4min for your legs and other tougher skinned areas with the pump bottle/spray cans/etc.

I cram everything into a duffle and backpack, including my purse (pass the backpack off as my personal bag and the duffle as my ACTUAL carry on) and I’m usually good to go. Unless I’m going to Europe or somewhere for over a week (which hasn’t happened in a couple years, yay adulthood and responsibility!) I don’t even

Yeah, I spent half of my career as a designer working in the music industry and the other half as a developer, where I currently am because people have no respect for what we do.

Most production artists make just above minimum wage and designers, especially in the music industry, make a couple dollars more on top of

AHHHH okay, that makes a lot more sense.

Fair enough. I try not to hate on them or critique too hard because at the end of the day, she can’t help who her family is and she is either just turning or just turned 18. They may not be the choices we’d all make, but hey, more power to her if she can spin it all into a career.

I can’t even be play as evil when I rerun rpgs. I was a little shit when I was 15-16 though. Now I’m 24, developed a conscience and actually sought out the people I was mean to and apologized. There’s enough hatred in the world and it sucks looking back years later, knowing you brought misery into someone’s life.

I’m in my 20s and get botox to lift my eyebrows. It won’t lift them that high. That, my friend, is makeup. I do the same thing to make them really dramatic using Anastasia BH dipbrow. lol.

Because it’s not just her losing money. An artist had to design those, a separator had to pull the design apart and make the films. Someone had to process those, turn them into films. Someone had to screen print that. Then more someones had to process and ship them around. It’s not about just her. I don’t understand

So if someone was starving and stole your artwork and passed it as his/her own, it would be okay because he just needed to make a quick buck? Sorry, but no.

I’m liberal until cows come home, a feminist, civil rights activist and all of the things that get the internet all hot and bothered, but I work in the creative

If you’re in California, I volunteer! Raised in a Christian home with a Baptist private education, didn’t even know women could have orgasms into college, let alone how my anatomy was laid out. Planned Parenthood explained it all and gave me the education I was cheated out of, got me on birth control to help make my

Exactly! That’s what’s been driving me nuts about all of this! If abortion is legal because it ISN’T taking a life because it isn’t a life yet, then they are not donating (notice I didn’t use the word “selling” as so many pro-birthers are) baby parts, they are donating tissue from their own bodies as women seeking to