It’s like a new wave of Grandmas installed AOL.
It’s like a new wave of Grandmas installed AOL.
Stealing artwork? Or do artist’s designs just appear on those shirts without hard work done by designs, color separators, film processors, the actual printers, the people that handle the sale, shipping and processing, the label that organized all of it, then Nicki who gets a share of merch and tour sales (since that’s…
Let me break it down for you. A lot of musicians only make the majority of their profits from a share of merch sales and tours. The majority of album sales money goes to the label. While actually on tour, most labels only work it out so that musicians get a small amount of money, like a daily allowance.
Now, while I’m…
Hahaha was Sharkmuffin raised in a Baptist home as well? LOL.
But you guysssss, the money will trickle downnn! Lol.
Yep, I work in dev and we don’t even bother testing for anything but Android Chrome when it comes to that platform for 99% of our sites. The default Android browser is so buggy that we made the executive decision to just say “fuck it” like we did with anything except the latest version of IE. Android Firefox is…
This is still happening in 2015? Seriously?
Ah, I see where you’re coming from.
I disagree though, regarding your point that “American” culture is bits and pieces of other cultures, though I would assume it is, simply based on the upset that is caused every time someone of one skin tone does something similar or copies another culture that is clearly flourishing…
I used to feel the same until I met my current man. We sat and talked about it one day and he squashed all of my fears about having “unsightly” hair. It’s natural. Anyone who gets grossed out by it is clearly a victim of society. Lol.
I’m glad you have people in your life that support your comfort and decisions! That’s…
I thought he was Helga’s dad from Hey Arnold.
I only shave my underarms once a week and my legs once a week or every other week depending on my skin’s health, not “looks”. I wouldn’t shave at all, but when it’s grown out, I get itchy.
Why do people care? I used to be so self conscious about this, but when it gets to be 115 degrees out, no one is looking at your arms. I also only shave my under arms once a week because anymore and my skin hates me.
This isn’t about looks, it’s about comfort.
Don’t like my looks? Too bad, I’m really comfortable.
It’s like reading YA if it were written by mostly men.
I don’t do any of that though. If anything my culture is hispanic because that’s all I’ve known my entire life, living in a border town, but if I were to celebrate or decorate with it, it would be appropriation. Or maybe surfing culture, because I’m on the beach, but I don’t identify with that and take no part it in.…
I am too. White family all from the south. Growing up and realizing that your loved ones are racist assholes is definitely a shock. Wanting my tubes tied so that I don’t ever have to continue this cycle.
Totally fair. I simply offered my point of view, coming from someone who has never identified with any particular culture because where I live, it’s heavily influenced by hispanic culture, since it’s a border town. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but since our society loves accusing each other of appropriation every…
The culture where I live is essentially hispanic since it’s a border town. It isn’t “American”. My point was that Americans, especially where I live, do not have a culture of their own because all we’ve ever known is Mexican culture.
I’ve never understood cultural expectations. If you do this one small thing, or gesture in just such a way or god forbid you are happy about something in your life when you’re supposed to be something else, it just seems weird. Maybe it’s because I’m American and we have zero culture of our own, other than Evangelical…
I’m completely average in body weight, height, etc. 5’3, 138lbs, and recently had a full blood panel and tests run to try to get to the bottom of why I had to wear three jackets to work every day because I was so cold all the time.
Turns out nothing is wrong with me, they keep our office in the high 60s (low 60s until…