Bring Me Knitting

“Bortles!”- [throws molotov cocktail at the academy, runs away.]

Boxers are SO WEIRD to me. So much material! And it takes a special kind of pair of legs to not look all spindly popping out that billowing fabric. And wear does all that fabric go when you jam it into your pants?? Men act like women’s underwear is goofy sometimes but I’m like, “uh, you are wearing bloomers.”

Wear Boxer Briefs, If You Want

There are two major problems with summer, as I see it: 1. Too hot for clothes 2. And yet we must? A skirt or dress

It seems as though AV CLUB/DISQUS used to have durable edit capability - but that was so long ago, I can only poorly remember.

This just makes me miss Exit 57 that much harder and feel so sorry for myself that there’s STILL NO DVD RELEASE!!!!

The return of Tranh, the very surprise return of the all-time great Fawn Moscato (I literally jumped out of my seat), and that damn prank. So well done. Such a payoff for those who’ve watched all along.

“DRIVE!” ?

Another highlight was the last Winston-and-Cece babe-moment:

Thanks Emily! (and Erik!) for years of thoughtful and thought-out reviews!

GIF Thread

Yeah, I remember Aly complaining at one point that she used to have her own space. (I loved the addition of Nasim Pedrad to the gang, and ever since Aly and Winston started dating, every episode without Aly has me asking “where’s Aly?”)

I am offended on CeCe’s behalf over her exclusion. Pretty sure Aly lived there for a few episodes too.

I knew that the finale was going to be good when it started with Nadia making one last appearance, then segued into Winston and Schmidt’s roast. And then Tran! And High Jess! And an evocation of the original goofy theme song! And the very first Winston and Cece mess-around! And True American! And THE PRANK. A better

A lot I could say here about the past 7 seasons, but I dont think I could have summed it up any better than Tran did. Just nailed it!

OK, my heart hole is full now.


A big anti-applause to the people responsible for the decision to burn off most of the final season two at a time, and some hurled compost for the decision to air them in blocks that your guide & DVR see as solid hours (I hate whenever this is done).

That was so cute and I’m emotional and I have so many things to say but I’m gonna post quotes/thoughts after these are put up online so I can pause and write stuff down so I’ll be back :) it’s gonna be a damn long post sorry in advance