Bring Me Knitting

A Big Red Goodbye to you too, Sean. I hope to continue seeing your writing out there. *gestures awkwardly at abyss* (I still miss StarWipe.)

I love and support this very important article. 

I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Winston’s pink humingbird shirt is the very best, but I am also quite taken with the Furguson piano, treadmill, and dumbell.

I enjoyed her quite a bit in this series, and think she is underrated by some fans. I am okay with her not appearing in the finale, but I will stand here in defense and support of your opinion!

I am going to justify this by assuming Jess meant that Winston was in the room when all the notices after 30 days (the newest one at the time of the wedding) arrived.

scream* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

I agree with some of these, disagree with others, but #9 is particularly correct.

That was perfect! A wonderful tribute to the core characters, and a beautiful final Nick screa.

Sean, I also miss StarWipe.

Now playing

Winston Reads Z is for Zombie. I love this whole beautiful show, but this is the moment that almost killed me the first time I saw it. I was drinking water, started laughing, inhaled said water, and coughed so hard and so long my throat can still almost feel it 6 years later.

I have a shoulder cat and he also has a beautiful little face.

i willllll remember yoooooooooou

I needed to see Ferguson in a key role at their wedding! I am hoping for a flashback at some point...


Don’t flush cardboard, come on! Even if you think it’s breaking down, seriously, don’t!

Fage is the best (plain, 2% or Total please), but I will confess that I look more favorably upon Chobani than I used to due to what I’ve heard about their public stances and hiring practices. I find that that their fattier yogurts are a little better than their fat-free offerings (Coffee is my go-to flavor), but I

2000 is way too late a date to go for if you’re going to try and make that gatekeepy argument about internet culture. Yes, your larger point stands, as social media and the easy video sharing provided by YouTube have dramatically altered the landscape, but the internet of 2000 was not just a place for nerds to

So, we have to comment on Breitbart articles now if we still want to use Disqus to interact with The AV Club?

I haven’t either, and I hadn’t previously heard the Kentucky example. I have seen articles here and there about preteens and young teenagers marrying adults in states like New Jersey, so I decided to look it up, and it turns out everything is awful?