Bring Me Knitting

Didn’t take long to find the worst take ever.

Truly, this is the darkest timeline.

Goodbye Sean! I wish you well in your new ventures!

I got a Dan in Real Life notification for this?

That’s one hell of an exit. Good luck, O’Neal. Your pieces were always the highlight of the site for me.  At least now you’ll have time to finish your Entourage movie spec script.

Well, hell.

In the olden olden times any of the alien names would have been great one off accounts. Welp, it's fine, we all trust the judgement of CORPORATE ALIEN WHO HAS ONLY THE BEST INTENTIONS

I don’t know if this account is out of the greys or whatever but I wanted to say thanks and bye and all that. Thanks for all the words Sean.


This is a weird one. A person I’ve never met, but for whom I feel great affection, just quit his job, and I’m really, really happy for this stranger.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck.  Your writing brought many smiles to my face.  Cheers.

So long, and thanks for all the snark.

But seriously, you will be so missed. An O’Neal piece always brightened my day, whether it was a hilarious attack on Justin Bieber or that heartbreaking obit for Chris Cornell.  Best wishes for a new path.

Well, no more reason to come here anymore then.

I haven’t been around here as much as I used to be, but when I did come here, it was usually for an O’Neal column and they rarely disappointed.

You’re going to be great, but I’m sad that my internet home (since my first dial-up connection in the before times) is falling apart. Fucking fucking fucking hell. 

Salute, Sean. Speaking for all those who have been here since the beginning of this saga, you will be missed. Best of luck, sincerely. You were a good one. 

Goddamn it.

Also, Sean, I promise that while I can’t speak for the other mutants I only wanted to gently gum your flesh, never actually eat it. 

Farewell O’Neal! If you ever need bail money, let us know.

My utter surprise at seeing a Dan in Real Life 2 column suddenly spring up today can’t be quantified.