There had better be one final appearance by Tran tonight? Perhaps as Nick’s best man?
There had better be one final appearance by Tran tonight? Perhaps as Nick’s best man?
And now he has a posse. Seriously, Lisa Joy’s direction in this was stellar.
At the beginning I was really hoping we were about to see Roger Sterling in Mad Men World
What about oldest brother Justin, middlest brother Travis, and sweet baby brother and Forbe’s 30-under-30 media luminary Griffin McElroy? Did they achieve their podcast’s dream of being in Trolls 2?
The two moments that come to mind are:
The season is almost over, guys - which means New Girl is almost over, and this long-running AV Club forum on New Girl is almost over! It’s the end of an era!
Then it’s too bad StarWipe didn’t work out, and even more unfortunate all its content can no longer be found. I didn’t visit it as often as the AV Club (sorry Sean I know I’m part of the problem), but I remember it being wonderfully absurd whenever I did read it. Glad he’s finding ways to keep it alive here.
Last night’s Met Gala was another triumph for sartorial adventurousness, offering the year’s rare opportunity to see…
in the arms of an angel
I do too!
I have a shoulder cat who is beautiful, but also probably the stupidest cat I’ve ever known. Super nice and super cute, just incrediby stupid.
Our little Moki is a shoulder cat, but ONLY when I sit in a specific chair in a specific room. Is that weird?
There is an entire separate ecosystem that exists within the internet that is designed to calm you. There are “oddly…
Seems like a real missed opportunity to not have had an episode or a flashback of Winston forcing the group to Sit Shiva. You know he did and you know there were shenanigans.
Last week I was watching and I turned to my friend, “Where’s Furguson?” I didn’t think they heard me. Or that they would answer so promptly
Coach’s Jim. It’s a Ruth’s Chris situation.
This episode definitely brought a tear to my eye. Oh well, Furguson lived a good long life. And that couch kitten was sweet.
Best episode of the season so far. The last couple have been rough.