Bring Me Knitting

“Also why do you own that book?” “You see a red book, you buy a red book.” “What do you do with blue books?” “Don’t buy!” “Yellow books?” “Wait on it”. “That’s true”. I’m going to miss a lot of things about this show but I think I’ll miss the nonsensical exchanges with Nick trying to explain his insane thought

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode from the first through the cymbal crash ending.

We definitely need a Furguson cameo before the season ends and a Furguson comment patrol but not sure if the person who usually does it is still commenting here, hope so though!

Speaking of weddings - I wish we’d got to see the Winston / Ally wedding

I loved seeing the whole gang back together again - it made me feel all warm and happy (like glitter was exploding inside me!)

I view Nick’s character arc as ultimately being about developing his own self-worth.  He’s a guy who really hates himself slowly learning to accept who he is and the value he provides.  So while we see him make the same mistakes repeatedly, I’m okay with it, because they all come from the same source issue and he was

Bring back Spot.IM! It was unusable, but it was hilarious!

Finally, collective bargaining rights can do what they were made for: bringing back Disqus (or the systems before it).

I want to buy/support Chobani for its social stances & for the fact that they hire refugees from war-torn countries, but it’s just too runny for me. Much prefer Fage.

There are mythical animals more frequently spotted than revered smooth R&B/jazz act Sade. That, along with the act’s

This show makes me immensely sad the further they pull back the curtain on his victims. It’s like, these people already had to deal with enough shit, and then Andrew fucking kills them.

I’m going to take a deep breath and say this:

Looking forward to seeing these guys finally get funded then lose the funding then get the funding...then lose the funding then...GET THE FUNDING...then lose the funding!

Seasons 1-3 were terrific. Last year was mostly wheel spinning and I hope they can regain their form.

Oh wow... that’s just... I mean... I really miss Disqus :(

Eh, how ‘bout we don’t?


Great Job, Internets are barely around

I totally didn’t realize that was Toby Whithouse! Now that scene works as a metacommentary on Doctor Who writers fighting to the death to be the next showrunner.