Bring Me Knitting

What surprises me is that Alec Baldwin even gets a pass. God that guy has been a total piece of shit for years. That Emmy win this year (and all those times he beat Steve Carell) wasn’t warranted AT ALL.

Ok, do we really need shit-stirring headlines acting like there’s some kind of war between Abrams and Johnson? Especially since they’re both on record as working on Rey’s backstory together.

For real, one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. Yeah, it’s hook was a tropey cliche, but it was pulled off to near perfection.

This one gave me the same sortof feels as the scene with Shayla’s artwork back in Season 1.

There have been some brilliant TV shows over the last few years but so far Mr. Robot is the only one* that’s made me tear up. That scene at the mosque and the one with Angela...

In today’s flashback we learn that Mr Robot was with Elliot since he was a kid. An imaginary friend that never went away. Only this time Elliot’s determined to give it a serious try.

For awhile now, I’ve been wondering if we’re going to find out that Elliot’s dad was outright abusive. The “oops, I pushed you out a window” is such a weird detail that I have to assume either Elliot is misremembering it, or he’s remembering it too well.

I always love an Elliot-centric episode so we get more showcases for Rami’s brilliant work. And I loved how it was shot to look like a movie (in widescreen!) after the opening scene. Looked beautiful.

Yeah in what’s already been a banner season for him performance-wise this episode really stands out because it showcased just how good he is with nuance when the plot momentum and the mind trickery take a back seat.

I’ve said a lot of glowing things about Mr. Robot over the years but never quite thought that I’d say this...that was goddamn delightful

I think Malek deserves all the emmys for this one.

Do you like TV? Do you like horses? Do you like Wii U? Do you like movies? You don’t own the beach. I don’t know how to do that.

I’m certain we’ve all silently reached a unanimous decision that Trenton’s little brother who was born in Trenton is our child now and from now on we will buy pop tarts in bulk, help him develop a taste in films and groom him to become president. 

I’ve heard stuff about him (not specific accusations), from DFL (Minnesota Democrat) circles—Keillor is/was very active in the DFL, and spoke at quite a few events when I lived in Minnesota—for years. Not specifics, as I said, and not outright accusations of assault, but “he’s a creeper, don’t make female volunteers

Sounds familiar, but I can’t find it on Wikipedia (which is as far as I’m willing to bother).

I have a vague recollection of that too, but I’m too lazy to go looking it up.
I have heard he’s a jerk in general, though.

You’re right, it sounds familiar.

I can’t remember where I read it, and it’s not on the wiki page at the moment, but I’m *quite* sure he previously was accused of sexual harassment/may have settled a lawsuit related to it. But like I said, it happened *at least* a decade ago.

He ought to have been fired for being shitty at his job