Bring Me Knitting

Are you sure they were talking about the show and not just the state of things in the real world?

She’s amazing.

Easily the best episode. I think this shows that Ghosted could become an ensemble comedy if it wants to. It doesn’t need to, but it could.

yes, even if we know they’re both Eliott, disguising “Mr Robot” as Eliott’s father provides a “confortable” way for both the audience and Eliott to accept the situation; as much as faking the prison in the previous season. Showing the reality for what it is is all the more disturbing.

The show seems to explore something it hadn’t really previously, that is the physical incarnation of “Mr Robot” in Eliot’s body. Even after season 1 Mr robot was always seen as a separate character, and conveniently as Christian Slater with his own energy, and we’d forget that it was actually Eliott speaking. Now we

I fucking love this show.

I am absolutely loving the evolution of the Elliot/Mr. Robot dynamic. Especially in the way they are filming it. It’s striking.

The moment when he conjured him up in the therapy session and they blended his and Christan’s voices together had me SHOOK

This show does a really good job of taking advantage of using dogs to manipulate viewers’ emotions. Rewatching seasons 1 & 2 to prep for the new episodes, it was hard to miss how the writers leverage Elliot’s rescue of Flipper to redeem a hacking project that would otherwise be downright creepy, and fsociety’s

Excuse me. I think you mean Flipper and Qwerty.

Please let nothing bad ever happen to Flipper. That is all I ask.

The Coney Island stuff tonight reminded me that we’ve never gotten an explanation for what caused Elliot to forget Darlene in the first place. And how we got from him and Darlene reminiscing over The Careful Massacre of the Bourgeoisie, to where he is in the pilot. 

Loved the opening sequence, this show is great at stretching out montages (and the music playing in the background of them) to an almost absurd length. Elliot’s re-entry into bureaucracy even leads to him saying that E-Corp is a “necessary evil”. Maybe the routine will make him an even better employee!

Great review, though it was better than a B for me. I’m going to miss Stephanie Corneliussen.

I was much higher on last week’s episode than you but I’d say that I agree on this episode’s grade (especially since you seem to be grading on a curve against what the show can truly be at it’s VERY best). It was more table setting but effective table setting as it set up new stakes, brought up old consequences and

I also think that our world was being used as visions of a possible, nightmare future. That’s a weird place to be.

I’m amazed how much the way that I view fiction has changed in the last year.

Go QWERTY or go home, show.


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