Bring Me Knitting

Maybe Jaime Lannister will finally rescue Edmure Tully.

I used to get a Community notification for this?


I cried SO HARD. Like still kinda weepy even now. I can only hope he and Angus really were reunited. RIP Rupert.

gonna miss him, many tears were shed

MVP tonight’s episode Rupert McKenzie (guy with eyepatch)

Ha! I think it’s funny when people purposely change what they call their parents, but then slip and call them the old name when they’re not focusing on it.

I called my parents “mama” and “daddy” as a kid. I kept doing it until I was probably a little too old and, were I a normal kid, would have switched to “mom” and “dad.” But that felt weird, and made me self-conscious, so I just stopped calling them anything at all. So ever since I was about eleven I haven’t called my

I will absolutely co-sign how weird these factoids are in context and indeed super-gross.

Really beautiful essay, Sean. I think it’s my favorite that I’ve read on The Return so far. My dad passed away the week that the sixth part, “Don’t Die,” aired, and I couldn’t bring myself to watch it for a couple of weeks. I’m really glad that I did, though, because The Return has been cathartic for me, and has

I’m gonna miss Son of Zorn.

I might not remember the sequence of events but it seemed like Coop changed demeanor before “crossing over”, with the creation of Dougie 2.0. When he came out of the Black Lodge and reunited with real Diane for the 2nd time he already seemed colder. On the 430 mile drive it seemed he was already the new quiet Coop,

I miss the old comments and layout and community. But on the other hand I’ve saved over $80 in Kinja Deals!

I miss the AV Club.

Well you get the dumb-ass of the day award

Reading The AV Club used to be my favorite comfort food... now it’s just the meal I eat to keep me going. It fills me up, but I get no enjoyment out of it and I only do it out of necessity. Until a new restaurant opens up I’m going to keep eating at it, out of habit and laziness... ok I’m starting to lose track of

Is there a food I can eat that will bring the AVClub comments back?

Agreed! My mom grew up in the 50s in a small town, went to church every Sunday and was also a home ec teacher, which equalled to some pretty prime jell-o years. My entire life has had jell-o involved in most major meals (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc). Often orange jello whipped with cream cheese into a tangy orange

All of the Jerry detours have been worth it for the “I am not your foot” moment.