Bring Me Knitting

Perhaps she'll finally notice that Furguson is missing!

Please be ditched this time, Mitch! These bumper stickers aren't supposed to be like license plate tags!

IIIIIIIIII liked it? Certainly, Zach's issues are valid, but it was nice dumb fun tv! I am more worried about next week, based on the treaser….

The preceeding episode would have mostly been Rigsy getting out of that eggy-ball chair!

Upvote for "interface nodule"!

An entire episode could have been devoted to ThingTardis avoiding doom and making friends!

The IOC: the hero we deserve?

Yay, Doctor Who! The tiny Tardis/Hand sight gags were a nice treat, and I quite enjoyed the adventures of Doctor Clara! Basically, the only part I didn't like was the ending with Missy, but I hope that will change once whatevs is up with her is eventually revealed.

Gwen, obviously your entire review is invalidated because I am a fan of Mindy's black sheep sweater! I fear the wine may have taken it forever.

I'm glad this show can still make me laugh. However, though this may not have been the most grounded episode, I'm not sure I buy the reviewer's premise that this was a crazy episode. It seemed far less wacky than, say, the finale of Season 2, and the more solid focus on the Nick-Schmidt-Winston relationship was a

My throat still hurts from the pain of coughing up all the water I inhaled while drinking and laughing at Z is for Zombie two years ago.

May I recommend Hood brand Pumpkin Eggnog? It has pumpkin puree in it, and as a result tastes shockingly like pumpkin!

Ooh, how about baked-bean-paste-infused whipped cream topping?

I have a soft spot for the memory of Rally's fake banana shakes. I've not had one in ages and ages, but they are the flavor memory of the idyllic 90s summers of my early youth!

I make (some of) my pies with freshly roasted pumpkins and butternut squash! However, winter squash keeps for ages, so your point basically stands!

You/she make cookie crusts for pumpkin pie? I am not disapproving, I am just intrigued! I would say that digestives are much more similar to graham crackers, but Hobnobs would certainly also make a nice crust!

I didn't even know this was something I wanted, but now it is!

Does each episode of Gotham end with a chat between Li'l Batman and Gordon? I keep catching the last five minutes or so before Sleepy Hollow and wondering if I'm seeing the same episode over and over. Is this a thing I just made up?

I would argue that Ichabod and Abbie's relationship is much more interesting and, thus far, a bit different from the ones you mentioned. In addition, said relationship and the show it self are built of are built upon the uniquely wonderful and eternally charming interactions of these two equally fun and compelling

Yeah, I mean Ichabod is just standing there being incredible, but if we have to have another guy blocking the scenery and taking up our leads' interaction time, put him in a v-neck and we'll be okay!