Bring Me Knitting

I had to do the same!

Shhhhhhhhhh, it's The Kindred! Open your heart to the dead-faced truth!

I mean, he is kind of medium-rent McConaughey, but his chest hair: Y/Y?

This show is still wonderful! I am already hiding behind my knitting in anticifear of next week's episode! I would like to register my amusepreciation for the positively pure flute sound of the rustic bone flute (Ichabod is quite the flautist!), acknowledge of Hawley's chest hair, and basically smile intensely at

I could swear I'd seen it before, but it may just be that the few minutes of the actual show I saw while waiting for Community were painfully close to the parody.

I feel bad that I've never picked Earth up, as America: The Book was some sort of spiritual tome for me my final year of high school. Is it too late to love it now?

Oh good! I've been looking for a place to talk about this. I thought it was just a goof for the first segment, and kept waiting for Stewart to appear and retake the desk, but nope! Though it's unfair to compare Jones' last-minute-you-have-to-host-tonight performance to the performance that came out of the months of

I made chocolate gingerbread (the sticky, cakey kind) this weekend, and it is delicious! The recipe reads like diabetes in a pan (hefty quantities of brown sugar, molasses, and golden syrup), but the end result is worth the future of pain! The recipe was made extra fun with the foamsplosion that followed the baking

It was totally worth it for that! It is also nice of the show to highlight the plight of undocumented immigrants of TIME!

I took it more as an attempt to follow Todd's model of explaining Community news, but we are free to read words in different tones!

This show is wonderful! Any flaws with the episode were washed away in the magic of Grudge-Holding Holt.

New Girl has 1000000 co-executive producers!

We'll always have the day Dick Cheney shot a man in the face! No one can take that away!

I belive I read in the previous comment section that some new character was to be introduced as a romantic interest for Abbie. It must be The Kindred! I saw how his rotting dead face looked at her! It's love!

This is why we must liberate our books from their jackets! I am sorry you got spoiled that way - I expect it to happen when wandering a comments section on a review, but it's quite unfair when an official source throws information at you like that when you least expect it! Regarding what you typed above, I got over it

Thank you! The caps help! And your longer spoiler comment elsewhere is well framed for eye avoidance. I have been taking a fairly carefree attitude toward spoilers, but as this one stood before I felt I didn't get to make a decision about reading it before my eyes captured the knowledge. I will be okay!

Hey! Can you mark this in a way that makes it way harder to accidentally read when scrolling down? I think eyes need more help than a break of one line space when things are typed in the same lowercase font!

I like Doctor Who! I kept waiting for the episode to return to whatever was happening in the opening scene, but I suppose it was never about that. Did I get too lost in my knitting there, or did they never resolve it? I initially took the time/scene jump as a leap backward in the timeline, but I suppose it might have

I watched this last night because I don't know why, and while it's not really my type of TV, I almost want to keep watching for sake of Alfred Enoch. Even though his American accent is quite decent, his physical mannerisms seem intensely British, like a toned-down Moss fused with Awkward Daniel Radcliffe.

I'm kind of disappointed they provided a way to incorporate all that boring above-the-neck communication. It's show, don't tell, right??? The objectification of shirtless, headless, murderous, demon-affiliated romantics is the television we deserve and need!