Bring Me Knitting

Surely the fact that his life was still intact at the end of the episode (despite being sentenced to death) means he can't die. Right??? If he goes on the run, he could maybe change up his appearance with a nice 70s moustache and some brown hair dye!

It looked like it was something out of her local Littlefinger For Well-Clothed Ladies boutique!

My granola is difficult this morning!

The sound is still ringing in my ears!

Type faster, Mr. Adams!!!!! You have given me enough time to write a version of 'But, Mr. Adams' to address this, but I wouldn't be bothered because oh my god my head will have sympathy pain forever aaaagh

Hi! Have some arms!

Tron Draper is a user that must now exist!

The depiction of misogyny made it difficult for me to start the series, and for that reason, even though I love the show now, I can still find it difficult to attempt watching more than a few episodes at once. However, I do consider that discomfort rather valuable, as my mother is just a few years younger than Peggy

I've never listened to the show, but I become irrationally angry every time I hear a promo for 'Ask Me Another' on my local station.

Not not great, Bob!

It could have used some animated birds - but OH MY GOD. My jaw would still be on the floor if I hadn't been laughing so hard.

I gave it a relisten, and you are correct: it is excellent! I'd forgotten nearly all of it, so it made up for the best-of episode this week! Not that there is anything wrong with a best-of episode!

I second @CyranoThebirdsareback:disqus 's curiosity about the status of Stark Girls are Stark. I only started the series a few a weeks ago, but I waded through the AV Club reviews/comments along the way, and your posts from the paaaaast were always a nice highlight.

I await the day he and Uncle-Night-Watch-Stark form the Presumably-Still-Alive-and-Avenging-Uncles Club!

I need to give Orb is Horse a relisten! My first epsiode, I Hate You, Ron is still my favorite, what with the tales of tumblr dog and the chocolate unwrapping raccoon. I have a soft spot for anytime Justin attempts a ridiculous voice, though Amelie is perhaps his finest performance to date.

I forced a friend of mine to listen to my own dramatically voiced readings of That is All while visiting her in Hawaii. We are still friends. I think. She never calls.


Do you have a team of makeup artists that allowed you to Fat Woman Like Me and Fat Man Like Me for a few days to test this pretty confident statement?

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