brienne of snark

Oh! the irony of using “witch hunt” in this context! Yes, let us use this term whose etymology is rooted in a hugely misogynist and patriarchal period of our country’s past when women and girls were accused for going out of step of strict gender roles to describe the actions of when men are accused of upholding strict

Daily They’re Still Going to Take Away Your Health Care Reminder:

Politics Corner - Quick Hits Again edition. Trump flagrantly sabotaged Obamacare in a way that will both increase federal obligationd and decrease assistance, by ending cost sharing reduction payments. That is, if you trust the Congressional Budget Office’s estimates over Don the Con’s bullshit. He had discussed

with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.

I love how Hollywood’s go-to move when they discover a powerful man who worked in Hollywood for decades is a serial sexual harasser/rapist is to be totally shocked at this completely isolated incident perpetrated by one bad apple. They had no idea! How could they? They’ve never heard of this sort of thing happening?

So what are the odds that brother Bob long felt slighted, waited until he could amass enough evidence, held out until Harvey was at his most vulnerable career wise (due to a string of recent money loser movies) and then anonymously worked with journalists to spring the shit storm on Harvey and rapidly push him out and

Seems like a lot of people got out for good. I remember when every movie review would have a thriving comments section. Back in the old days. Back before Kinja.

If anything, the bar has already swung too far the other way. Hopefully we’ll eventually settle on a happy balance between sexual assaults and treating women like human beings.

If you got anything on Trump, put it out there now.

There are literally thousands of executives and managers with a known pattern of sexually abusive behavior who have evaded major consequences throughout America’s industries. I hope this really is a tipping point, and the floodgates open. We aren’t there, yet.

As I heard someone say, if Donald Trump had gotten 3 million more votes than Hillary Clinton, and Clinton had won a handful of swing states by such a strikingly small number of votes, AND it was revealed that the Russians manipulated our media to help her win*... Republicans would’ve shut down the fucking government

They’ve designed terms of service that don’t do enough to protect victims of online harassment, while managing to eschew context when tweets like this happen.

I actually really liked this episode, and think it represents a lot more than a “video game tie-in,” which I was initially afraid it would primarily be from the title.

“We’re just wondering why you stopped following us on Instagram.”

Apparently, some people are more equal than others.

We should be talking in terms of ratio on this. Imagine all the newbies who just came and went over the years who’ll never speak up because they have families now.

It’s almost as though the Christian Right made a deal with the... with someone. Someone bad? Darn it, this is right on the tip of my tongue.

They seem him as an instrument from God sent to destroy the heathen liberals destroying their country.

I’ve been assaulted by the toy aisle at Target. Long story, let’s just say not all Buzz Lightyears obey the “freeze when humans are around” rule.